chapter 1 :

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Scrolling through Instagram,  I  saw a post of him saying goodbye to his friends.

It's been years i had thought of him.

Does he think about me? It's not like i was popular girl in college but everyone used to come to me when they needed class notes or practicals. He also did. We didn't speak much. It's not required to do so. I did have a crush on him for a small amount of time but that's all. Never thought he would be leaving the country. I sort of felt bad . I am very bad at expressing my feelings. Oh shoot, i should have talked to him more maybe he would have like me . Again i was nerd back then and he would hardly notice me when my was hotter than me. Yeah i did feel kinda jealous when she got more attention. Who wouldn't. But then again it's fine. I am me and she is her.

Oh i didn't introduced myself. My name is Sahuri. I am 22 years old. I have completed my master's in IT. And this is my story.

Welcome. I am ambivert. I have very few friends whom i can call my best friends or close friends. I like to act. Trying to make a career in the film industry. I'm currently juggling between my work and my passion.

It was about 5 years ago when we met at college.

I was so scared to be there but our professor was asking everyone to come forward and introduce themselves. What are we 5? But i did . It wasn't great. I don't know how to present myself back then, if this question were to be asked today I might have a different answer to that question. We started talking through a birthday planned for one my friend. Again i was last person to be invited. I felt like i was invisible. And what was worse i was okay with it. Felt little bad but since it's me i wouldn't say anything. I wish i would have little vocal I would have had great friends. Anyway , we just normally started talking about lectures and if he doesn't understand anything. That too only in college not on chats . We were nothe placed in same company but i decided to five acting a chance decided not to go. Did i regret that decision?no but did i regret not giving a chance to myself fro not speaking up. I remember in 2nd year i was so head over hills for him I prayed god to put me in his team for a group project and i might have given a little push to professor to select students the way i was telling him to do . Don't remember it. It's been so long.

But now after all these years i saw him leaving. Something stirred in my heart.

Wow can old feelings revived? Or maybe they were never dead. They were just buried deep inside with all these years.

I don't know why i feel like messaging him on Instagram and asking where he is going, what is he doing, how are things, does he remember me..?

Should i message him or not? I was debating . I typed hi and deciding whether to click send or not. And i thought what's gonna happen anyway he might not reply or might. Will see what happens. And i clicked on send.

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