ghost's mask moved around his lips - proving he was either smirking or smiling at you. "depends, sweetheart. i don't want you to catch feelings for me." he murmured, his hand placing itself upon your bare leg.

you instantly scoffed and went to move his hand away, only for him to grip onto your leg, not allowing you to move it. "i wouldn't catch feelings! especially for someone who won't even show me there face!"

ghost slowly reached up to his mask and lifted up the top half, stopping when it revealed his rosey coloured lips. "at least we're on the same page then."

your eyes were fixated on his lips as he spoke - the pit of your stomaching was bubbling up with arousal. he was such a tease.

"my eyes are up here, sweetheart," ghost said, his smirk now clear as it was uncovered from the material. "anything else you'd like to ask me?"

"have you ever had a girlfriend?" you asked, your eyes prying themselves off of his lips and back onto his dark eyes.

"no," he shook his head. "i don't want attachment! and i don't like having distractions for when i'm at the base. if i've got some woman on my mind during a mission then it would only hold me back - i can't be taking any risks in my work!"

you gave him a small nod. "so you are here just to get into my pants then?"

ghost threw his head back and made a groan, clearly starting to get frustrated. "look, you aren't going to be my girlfriend!" he exclaimed. he sat upright again and turned his whole body towards you. "i just wanted some companionship before i go back to base. if we ended up fucking then i'm sure the feelings would be mutual - but, you were never intended to be anything more than that! i thought that was clear!" his tone had risen and his eyes just bored into you.

you moved back a little from him, his tone taking you off guard. "okay, ghost. i've heard you loud and clear! let's just forget about it."

you grabbed the television remote from the arm of couch and flicked the television on - you couldn't stand the silence in the room.

rocco padded over and got onto the couch, curling up in the space in between you and ghost. to your surprise he laid his head on ghost's lap instead of coming straight over to you.

ghost's mask was once again covering his whole face, only his haunting eyes being visible.

you flicked over some channels before just leaving it in the channel that was showing  friends. you didn't really care about what was on the television - as long as there was background noise.

you felt your eyes become heavy - being disturbed the night before had a knock on effect for you. before you knew it you had curled up in the corner of the sofa and quiet snores were escaping from your lips.


"sweetheart, wake up."

you slowly opened your eyes to allow them to adjust to the light in the room. as your vision adjusted you see ghost's face close up to yours.

"oh, i fell asleep!" you gasped, sitting upright. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to. i just aren't used to being disturbed throughout the night. it makes me sleepy the next day."

"it's fine, sweetheart." ghost exclaimed. rocco wasn't in view anymore and ghost had closed in the gap between you both.

"princesses need their beauty sleep don't they." he chimed. his words caused you to blush viscously.

"w-what h-have you been up to?" you asked, wanting to change topic. you didn't want to seem vulnerable to ghost's sweet talk.

"nothing much, sweetheart. i've ordered us some food for dinner. it's almost 6pm already! i can't believe you've slept all evening." he said, his fingers playing with the shiny dog tag.

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