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warning ; some spicy content🌶🌶
be prepared👹!!


you woke up the next day at 11:48am and sat up almost instantly - last nights events clouding your thoughts.

rocco wasn't in the bedroom anymore so you just assumed that he must be downstairs with ghost.

you got out of the bed and quickly freshened up - styling your hair and adding a little bit of makeup before putting on matching pyjamas which were fluffy shorts and a matching fluffy crop top.

you put on your ugg slippers before padding downstairs, listening out to see if you could hear anything. but there was nothing - even rocco wasn't in sight.

you quickly went back up stairs and grabbed your phone to see where his location was on the tracking app but as if on que the front door opened and there was an echo of excited barks. 

you quickly ran back down to see what the commotion was - ghost was bent down taking off rocco's chain lead.

"where have you been?!" you exclaimed, watching ghost's head snap over to you. he wasn't wearing his usual mask now - it was just a black balaclava.

"taking your mutt for a walk," he remarked, hooking the lead back up in it's usual spot. "all while you've been asleep."

"a mutt?" you asked, one of your eyebrows were arched up - clearly pissed off by the remark.

"i'm joking, sweetheart," ghost exclaimed, kicking off his black boots. "he's great. he doesn't pull on lead and he's a good lad - i can see why you'd feel safe with him."

you looked ghost over and he was wearing the same clothing as he was last night - all except from wearing a white t shirt instead of the black one that he previously wore. he must've gone and grabbed some more clothes at some point through the night.

"well i better get him fed!" you said, turning around to walk towards the cupboard where his food is kept.

"already done," ghost said, lightly grabbing your arm to stop you in your tracks. "your house is quite predictable, it only took me a little while until i got myself familiar to where everything is kept."

"so you've been peeking at everything?" you asked, eyebrow raised again.

"something like that," ghost shrugged. "you should be grateful i took him out."

"i am!" you insisted, giving him a quick smile. "so have you got a plan for today?"

"no, sweetheart," ghost shrugged. "thought we'd just get to know each other more. it's nice to just chat - don't you think?"

you nodded - you was surprised he hadn't tried anything sexual with you yet. maybe he was truthful, he didn't just come here for sex, or as he says - 'to fuck.'

you motioned for ghost to sit on the sofa in the living room as you went to get two bottles of water out from the fridge. you then returned to amused looking ghost looking up at you from his place on the sofa. you noticed that his skull mask had now returned to his face.

"thank you, sweetheart," he said, taking the bottle from your hand. "so what else would you like to know from me?"

"what's the actual reason for you coming here?" you asked, taking your seat next to him, leaving a gap between the both of you.

"i haven't got anything else better to do," ghost shrugged. "plus, we have been talking for a few weeks now. wouldn't you rather see me in the flesh?"

"so i'm just some entertainment?" you argued, raising your eyebrow. "will you still want to keep in contact with me when you go back?"

fantasy ~ ghost x reader Where stories live. Discover now