Chapter 6

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Az pov

BTS were shooting their programme since morning. It was a outdoor shooting so we left early with all the arrangements. I was asked to come along today. They have been working so hard these days that I sometimes feel bad about it. In TV people only see their handsome face charismatic smiles but guess what, nothing comes free. They work their fingers to bone for this fame. Indeed they worth it.

I was sitting a far but not too far. I've noticed V smiling mischievously almost every time he looked at me. But what bothered me most was everytime he did that my heart just dropped to the floor. WHY!

It was the lunch break. I grabbed a sandwich sitting on the chair I made a bite. It's in the mountains so I was really excited. I can't express my love for green!
Suddenly someone held my hand. I turned only to see V took a bite of the sandwich.

"eeh! Why is it so sweet!" he said covering his mouth while I was still in daze. He again held my hand and took a bite. "Oh I see! Because you touched it!" he winked sitting beside me.

I rolled my eyes at such a tacky line. "So cringy! I frowned

He took the sandwich form me." Love's cringy."

I scoffed." love you say?" I tilted my head looking at him in mockery." Do you even know me? Love is a way far thing!"

"Then lemme know." he smiled. "I'm dying to know you."

I looked away.

"At this stage of life I don't believe in love at first sight. But I can't unsee the day I've first seen you. That glow in your eyes.. It felt like a waiting." he looked at me chuckling. "I tried to tell myself so many times that it's just a fan glare but I... feel restless every time I vision those eyes of yours you know? It might sound funny to you but do you know how it felt? As if I had promised to come to you and you waited so very long eagerly and devotedly and I finally came to keep my promise." he smirked and looked at me while an emptiness surfed in his eyes.

I was at loss of. As if he has just read me like an open book. I didn't want to take his actions seriously because I thought he won't be able to understand me from his position but... his words vouch as if he has known me for ages!

"Hey!" he snapped his fingers. "Where are you lost?"

I gulped and didn't reply. He smiled maybe understood my situation.

"I have really fallen for you lea. So badly. I've been in love before but it never felt like this." he exahaled and jumped down. "I won't let you go. I..." he bit his lower lip tugging his hands in his pocket. "I can't... After ages I felt alive again..  you're right. I don't know you. But I wamt to know you...the most! But it can't happen unless you open your heart for me."

My heart just skipped a beat at his word. He always get me spellbounded and it becomes hard for me to think straight. I don't know how long we stayed like this just staring at each other till I broke the silence.
" I..have lost touch to the reality passing my days loving you. I'm completely lost with my life. I can't lose the last string bound..." I said while I felt my heart became heavy and eyes trying to deceive me.

He smiled and looked down. "Out of eight billion people in this world you and I are facing each other talking about us..... is it really a coincidence? Not God's plan? Nothing happens without a reason. We never imagined meeting each other but... here we are... Why don't you give me chance? I promise you won't regret. "

I gazed at him.

He bit his lip scoffing." I understand it's not easy for you. But trust me neither is for me. I respect your thinking but..." he exhaled. " what if we meet after five or six years and regret not giving each other a chance?  This might sound out of blue but for some reason I see a future with you I...want to have my future with you.... So..." He took out a cola opening the can put beside me and took another one for him. " So I won't give up on you. I need you  Mun Azalea. "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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