Chapter 2

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Vs pov

Couldn't sleep much last night due to jet lag so woke up early. It's almost 6 AM in the morning. I looked outside. The sky is reddish-yellow as the sun is rising. My room is beach facing so I could enjoy this great view. I looked down at the swimming pool hearing Cooper barking. Found the girl, our host Mun Azalea. I saw her as soon as I entered the house. Her curious sparkling eyes caught my attention from the very beginning. It's not like I haven't seen such glares before but I somehow felt entangled for that brief  moment. She was playing with Cooper. Her smile was so enchanting for me to resist a smirk. A sudden ocean breeze tossed her hair as if fighting her. She finally ended up trying them in a bun. I kinda liked them open and for some weird reason I was taking quite a sweet time to observe her. Her laughter kept growing as she played with Cooper. "Cute" left my mouth in disguise of whisper.

"cute? Who?" my gaze broke to Jimins word as he bend forward to see azalea.
"oh that girl, yeah she's cute. I noticed her yesterday. It's kinda natural beauty type." he looked at me smiling as I stared.
"bo? (what?) oh! Ani! I didn't mean to sound it weird!" he exclaimed.

"you sound like a perv." I said maintaining a poker face and arching a brow.

"damn! I know right. But trust me I meant nothing offensive! It was supposed to be a praise, shinja!" he tried hard to explain.

I smirked. "daesso (forget it) hyung. No big deal."

"yeah... Ani! Hold on. It is a big deal! Why am I tormented like this! And you called her cute" he narrowed his eyes  with a grin. "something's fishy."

"yes. Your brain." I rolled my eyes.

"is it? Then let me confirm it from others" he headed to the door but I grabbed his arm.

"I'll kill you hyung if they know!"

"gurraaeee!" again that grin. "Arasso! I won't tell them. YET! Let me pull your legs first. Muhahahaha!"

I sighed and told myself "oh boy!"


Vs pov

We came downstairs and saw Azalea by the dining table with her beautiful smile. I smiled subconsciously myself.

"Good morning. Hope you had a good sleep." she greeted us.

"we did but the jet lag, killed us." jk acted with his hand over his neck.

She chuckled as stole a gaze at me.
"I'm sure you'll get used to it soon."

"yeah, hope so! I need my beauty sleep to maintain this worldwide handsome face. Right?" jin said.

"oh, definitely!" she played along. "your next concert is in three days, and the show schedule has been organised after that, Sir."

"just go by our names. Don't need to be formal. We'll work together for quite a long it'll be easier the sooner we get along." Rm said.

"sure." she smiled.

"woah! Look who's here!" we all turned to Jimin as he got down stairs behind me. He walked past me willingly giving me a push. "Good morning, miss?" he bade offering his hand.

She shook his hand with a smile. "Azalea. You can call me Lea."

"Right! Lea!" he said overjoyed looking at me. "where have you been? I couldn't find you last night."

"well I thought you might need some space so didn't bother you."

"oh! Pfft! Don't worry at all. Feel free to hang with us anytime.  This way we'll be less bored in this new place. Right V?" he looked at me sarcastically.

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