"I'm not leaving this circle until you talk to me"
He started to draw a pentagram
"They're gone. the warlocks, my ms. Mead. Burned alive at the stake by the witches. Until nothing was left but ash and smoke. You tell me what to do"

He sat in the middle of the pentagram

"Or you let me die here"
He huffed

I unlocked my phone, scrolling through my social media

An hour went past, nothing happened

"I'm gonna go home now"
I said
"If you need anything, call. I'll be back to check on you tomorrow"

Michael nodded, i walked away


He sat there for the next few days, refusing my offers for food and water

His face had been unkept, stubble grew

I sat by the tree, taking in the scenery. Michael sharply turned his head, there was nothing behind him

"No, I'm on a mission"
He said out loud

He turned back around, silence followed

"I have to talk to my father"
He said, it looked like he was having a conversation with someone
"Leave me alone"

He looked at a patch of land close to where i was, he listened intently

"You're not real"
He sighed in exhaustion
"None of this is real"

He then looked in-front of him

"No. I failed"
He said
"I'm lost. I don't understand my purpose"

He looked down then back up, he listened to someone

He stood up and grabbed the air, he then fell down

He stayed still for a second and got back up

"Do you need me to call an ambulance?"
I asked, putting my phone away

"Are you my father?"
He looked behind him, he pulled out a knife and stabbed the air

He stood up

He screamed
"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? The fuck am i supposed to do?"

He noticed me, he picked himself up and walked over to me

"You- you saw that.. right?"
He asked, collapsing beside me

"No, i think you had a vision or something"
I shrugged

"We.. we need to go"
He said, i stood up and helped him up

He took me to some warehouse, i helped him inside towards a man

"You lost?"
The man asked

Michael shrugged, the man let us in and shut the door behind us

We heard chanting, i helped him down the stairs

"I'm so tired of preaching to the goddamn choir!"
A woman said
"What aren't you getting? You know the drill! The antichrist is gonna ride in on a wave of sin, and all we have here is a weak piss dribble! Somebody please help me out. I'm about ready to gouge out my own eyes so i don't have to look at this weak-ass congregation anymore! I need to hear some sins! I need to feel we're making way for him"

I sat Michael down on a chair, there was one next to him so i took my place in that one

She pointed to a woman in the front row

"You. What are your sins"
She asked
"What did you do to usher him in this week?"

"I stole $100 from my register at work"
The woman replied

"Seriously? A fucking rounding error?"
The main woman asked
"You think that's gonna open the gates of hell?"

"I- i slept with my wife's sister"
A man said

"I've seen bad face-lifts that are more evil than you"
The main woman hissed
"You wanna know what i did this week? You wanna be inspired? You wanna know how I'm helping bring the end-times? I robbed a nursing home and i gave all the money to the NRA! Next week i need to feel some evil! I need to be repulsed"

I turned to Michael, tears ran down his cheeks

"Are you okay?"
I whispered, wiping a tear away

"Okay, whatever. Let's speak in tongues for a hot sec and show some respect"

Everyone started chanting in a language that i didn't understand

Someone held a bowl out to us

"Im sorry, we don't have any money right now"
I said

"Or any food, from the looks of it"
An old lady commented

"Ignore her"
I whispered, looking forward

"How long has it been since you are, kid?"
The old woman asked

Michael sighed

"What's it to you?"
He looked away

"Just.. trying to help out a fellow believer"
She said, looking forward

"Thank you ma'am, I'm going to get him something to eat when we get out of here"
I said

"Are you his friend?"
The lady asked

I hummed

"You know, i can fix you both something at my place. It's only a couple blocks up from here"
She smiled

"That's actually really kind of you"
Michael smiled

"What can i say, not everybody's perfect"
She smiled back

Michael Langdon x y/n 😻😻Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz