Chapter 1.

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(A/N: I rewrote this chapter :/ it was kinda bad. This is purely fictional not irl)

"Luzon! Get you're ass down here! Breakfast's ready!"

Luzon groaned into his papers, his red and black flag squished against the hard wooden table. He lifted his head groggily, a small paper sticking to his left cheek. He peeled it off, and stretched his aching limbs. He had fallen asleep that night at his makeshift desk beside the window whilst doing paperwork, much to Manila's displeasure. The states, Mindano, Visayas, and himself, including Bongsamoro and Manila, had gathered for Philippines's, their dad's, Independence day. Cebu, and Palawan unfortunately was unable to come, and their Tito Martial, well, of course he didn't. They had celebrated, as per usual, with a feast , and sang and listen to Philippines tell them stories, even if they were all grown.

They had all went to bed in their old rooms, which needed a lot of dusting before they could use them. As being unable to sleep, Luzon brought out paperwork and began filing them out. Visayas had questioned why he had even thought of bringing them to a family reunion, and Luzon simply answered that he might get bored.

As Luzon walked down stairs, he could smell the faint scent of cooking. He walked into the kitchen, as he saw nearly all of his siblings at the table, Visayas watching the television while Manila and Mindano cooked. Luzon would admit, he hadn't eat that much last night, and he could feel his stomach grumble lowly. At this sound, Manila turned to him and exclaimed. "Good! Your finally here, come on na, get your seat. I managed to make sure Visayas didn't put his dirty little foot on it, we all know how bad it is." Bongsamoro laughed from his corner, while Visayas let out an offended splutter.

Manila then turned his head to the stove and let out a surprised shriek as fire danced on top of the pan, Mindano addressing Luzon. "Luz, be a great kuya and get Tay from his room. I think he might've overslept."

Luzon sighed, and nodded to his sister, who smiled in thanks. He turned around and began climbing up the stairs, ignoring the frantic screaming coming from Manila in the kitchen.

He passed the hall, lowly lit by a small light in the corner. He closed the curtains, as a small wift of smoke and a light ray of sunshine entered and lightened the dark room. He continued on, passing his room and further down the hall. His footsteps echoed across the wooden floor, as it creaked when he placed his foot on it. He passed dozens of Portraits, and ignored them as his only goal was to reach the end of the hall.

Luzon finally came to his destination, a dark brown wooden door in the wall. He tapped the door twice with his knuckles, but it was unlocked. Luzon raised an eyebrow, and cautiously entered the room.

Papers scattered everywhere, and a cup of coffee that lay cold on the desktop. It was more chaotic than his own office, and that was saying something. Luzon spotted the bed in the middle of the room. He sighed internally, and strode beside it. He tapped the lump's shoulder, and barked lowly. "Tay. Com' on! It's time for breakfast na, sige na-"

Luzon half yelled as a fist suddenly burst from the sheets and punched him. He staggered backwards, clutching his lip.

"What the-? Tay! What the hell did you do that for-" he stopped short, as Philippines kicked the sheets off with a angered yell. That didn't sound like Philippines. Or at least, the one he knew.

Luzon watched as a yellow skinned man emerged from the bed, flower crown slightly crinkled and clothes ragged and dirty. His eyes widened when he saw him, and his gaze flit to the door as he dashed for it. Luzon responded quickly, and launched himself at the door. He slammed it shut as the other man skidded to avoid crashing into him. The man changed direction and ran behind the desk, jumping over the papers and coffee cup. Luzon scrambled to the front of the desk as he leaned in to see behind it. He yelped as the frantic man head butted into his chin, as he painfully bit his tongue during the impact.

The stranger jumped a mighty leap toward the window. Luzon, as he flew mid way, grabbed his leg and both toppled to the ground. They both wrestled on the ground for a full minute, until Luzon had the stranger pinned beneath him, was when he saw his face. Eyes widening, he yelled as the yellow stranger hit him hard in the cheek and suddenly the doors flew open.

"The hell is going on here!" Visayas yelled, as he glanced down at the two opponents, eyes widening in alarm and rage... and confusion.

Luzon, while the stranger was glaring up at Visayas, he punched him. The man blacked out. "Is... is that who i think..." Mindano murmured from the door beside Visayas.

"Yes." Luzon whispered, staring at the man.

"It's Tay... Pearl."

(A/N: Hello, i decided to write a rewrite of this chapter! Cuz the first version was honestly so bad :/. See ya later!)

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