Hero POV, prolouge::

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Don't believe anything she tells you. She's a liar, the bad guy in this story and will only try and turn you into the dark side with her. She's mentally insane and should be locked into a mental facility but we can't, shes only a child and we can't touch her without her consent. We are the good guys, we are stable and we will care for you.

She is trying to trick you, dont listen to her. Nothing she says will be true. I am the hero in this story and I can save you but I need you to trust me with this, please. She will curse and swear that we are bad people but we are far from terrible. Adolla is a gift to save the world, not destory it despite whatever she says. My father is an adolla wielder, possibly the first ever to wield a gift from amatersu herself. We are special, him and his children, my siblings. My mother was a vigilante, nothing near a villain. I hate my mother. She killed my father in front of my eyes. Growing up my father wasnt very present but still, I loved him. He passed on his gift to us.

Her reasons were stupid and dumb. I wish I was never born because of her,

My quirk is the one that will save the world some day, and my actions are good.

My quirk, yet another variation of a fire quirk but better than hers. My body heat generates to my lower half and into my feet, The bottom of my feet ignite in fire on command if necessary but usually, the flames burn through my shoes, however, with adolla I can create immense speed and heat with just my feet..

I will use my powers for good and save the world, just like my father wanted me to. 

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