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Four days later...

A man in black walks down the hallway of the BSAA, passing a few scientists here and there. He was an older man in his late forties, short dark hair, and well built. His destination was Irene Smith's room on the fourth floor. She had been brought in two days prior after this man's team found her in Eastern Europe close to the village Mother Miranda overlooked. He stopped in front of room 458, knocking gently before walking in to see the red head sitting by the window in her room. Irene had a straight jacket wrapped around her to prevent using her arms to hurt anyone and a face covering so she couldn't bite.

"Hey there miss Smith. Seems like you've gotten yourself in a bit of trouble with my squad." Irene turned to look in the man's general direction and her eyes narrowed to a glare. She wasn't too happy being bound up by the people in that place. Her head just simply nodded, staying silent under the face covering that was over her mouth. The only thing running through her mind right now was what happened back in the village later that day she escaped. Was Alcina alright? Did Mother Miranda succeed in her mission to bring back Eveline. So many questions racked her brain until the man spoke again. "I'm sorry we had to bind you like this but it's for our own safety as well as yours. We would like to reintroduce you to society and rehabilitate you so we can get you a job here with us. We pulled up your profile and seems you're a bioengineer major. One of the top of your class. No wonder Miranda wanted you. Smart girl. Would you like for us to do this for you? You could have your own room besides something like this. A job would be nice for you to have to use that degree and maybe help us."

Irene sat there in silence again. An offer to have a job and a home. Somewhere she would probably belong. Home wasn't here though. It was with Alcina but god knows what happened to her by now. She missed her. She had no other choice. Either she could get better and be with people again or be alone. And Irene didn't want to be alone. Finally she turned to the man and nodded her head, speaking out only one word, "Yes."

The man walked over and knelt down in front of Irene to get a good look in her now yellow eyes, "I'm glad. My name's Chris Redfield. You'll be working with me."

To be continued in Seeing Red chapter 1...

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