Chapter 3: Her Daughters Three

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Once Irene was able to gather her bearings again she followed the mistress out and quick to catch up. The halls were still quiet. Eerily quiet. Last night she remembered hearing the three daughters of the mistress echoing in the halls and worried they would come for her too. The mistress obviously made it clear that the girls wouldn't hurt her. Not yet at least.

"You're very quiet, dear. Is something wrong?" Spoke out Alcina very softly as if concerned by her new pet's silence.

"I'm fine ma'am. Just getting used to the place. That's all." Her voice said otherwise, still trying to get whatever happened back in the bedroom in the back of her mind. Irene knew that wasn't the only thing bothering her.

"Are you sure? Your pulse is going crazy and if you don't calm that down then might be in for a surprise.~"

"Right ma'am. I'll be fine." Irene stoically said and kept her eyes forward and watched where the older woman was taking her to. It was a room that was furnished with a bunch of other clothes, shoes, and jewelry that was available to use. She had never seen so many clothes and such in her entire life. The mistress went over to a wardrobe that had a pair of shoes she was eyeing for Irene to wear. They were a darker pair of green and had a square heel that wasn't too high off the ground.

"I think these will do. Let's see if they will fit." She bent down to the girl's level and helped her put them on, making sure to look them over and gave a nod. Alcina put the other one on and held onto Irene's hands gently, guiding her to walk in them slowly. "Perfect. Just make sure you don't break your ankles in them. Practice walking slowly whenever you can and just make sure to take good care of them."

Irene walked around with her and when the mistress stopped so did she. Next, she went looking in a couple of drawers in a vanity mirror table, searching obviously for something to go with the dress. Her hands held this beautiful silver chained pendant with a emerald gem in the middle. Going behind Irene, she unhooked the chain and wrapped it around to lock it in place. The mistress fixed the necklace to be straight and then moved around again to make sure it looked good.

"Much better. Now what to do with your hair? Hmm...wait right here. I might have something in my chambers to use. Stay here." As she exited the room, footsteps growing fainter by the minute, Irene looked around at all the dresses and things Lady Dimitrescu had stored up in here. Were these things she used to wear that she couldn't now? How did the mistress get so tall anyway? Irene came across a couple of albums on a table nearby, walking over slowly and opening the cover to see photos of a younger mistress. The photo seemed so old in black and white, the woman in it smiling happily with someone in it with her. On another photo, preferably an album cover of a record as Miss D and the Pallboys. Was this woman a singer?

While she looked through more photos, a blow fly or two starts to swarm around in the room. Laughter could be heard echoing again and this time much closer than last night. Irene looked up and around before backing up as the room filled with hundreds of the flies. She swatted at the swarm until she bumped into someone from behind.

"Well well well. Looks like mother has a new playmate.~ So healthy looking too!"

Irene moved away from the blonde woman covered in all black, blood covering her face and eyes piercingly cold.

"Should we play with her first? Or eat her?" Said another with dark hair, in the same clothes as the other girl, taking Irene's hand and smelling her arm of the bite the mistress left. She giggled and pushed her toward the other girl who had reddish hair.

"Now now we shouldn't just let her go to waste. Maybe we can play with her and then eat her. I'm sure if mother likes her that we will too."

Irene moved out of the way of the three girls, realizing that these were the mistress' daughters in the painting she saw. These women were different from what Irene's had imagined. They were disgusting, outlandish, and smelled of rotting flesh. They kept giggling and appearing behind her to push the girl to one another as a bit of fun. Finally Irene had enough and move away again, shouting out, "Quit that! How can you girls just think that humans are play toys?!"

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