Making you Breakfast.

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*you always start with a fluffy oneshot first*

I open my eyes before closing them again forgetting that I didn't close the curtains last night...

I open my eyes again getting to used to bright lighting of Sunday our day off.

I stretch pulling Lars long lanky arms off my hips before getting up to shut the curtains before they two, woke up Lars.

I stretch sighing hearing my bones pop in satisfaction before scratching my head pulling my phone off my side table off the charger...2:35pm...woah we slept in.

I leave our room leaving Lars in a lump of warm blankets by himself still softly snoring his hair in total disarray.

I walk down the stairs quietly turning on the lights as I went.

I reach the living room witch was a flat screen TV on a wall and a large brown leather couch and our light brown coffee table then turned on the lights in there.

I reach the kitchen turning on the lights before grabbing a stool knowing I would need it.

I slide it over near the counter before stepping on it to reach the pancake mix before coming back down.

I go over to figerator opening it up to grab milk and under the cabinet to bowl, I poured the milk in the bowl before adding the pancake mix then started stirring with a wouldn't spoon before hearing light feet coming down our wooden stairs before lanky arms wrapped around me.

"Still tired" I asked still stirring the mix.

"Mmmh" he mumbled out into my neck before setting a light kiss there.

"What are you making" he mumbled out still not letting go.

"Pancakes" I let out.

"Okay" he sighed out.

"Wake me up when there ready" he stirred out before kissing my temple and slapping my ass before falling onto couch slopily.

I roll my eyes before getting the pan ready.

Ok that's it for my first one short and sweet next one is soon.




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