This leads of from sorry kookie

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Jungkook POV:
After I got in the car I saw taehyung crying I felt a bit sad I rolled down the window I looked at taehyung he looked back I wanted to blow him a kiss the car started and the person dropped me of at my house I got inside and went to the shelf I looked through the photos I saw a photo of me and tae I started crying because I missed him so much I hated myself for leaving him I want him so bad I run upstairs and go in the bathroom I curl into a ball and start crying I got my phone and unblocked him I tried calling him but all the calls were being declined I threw my phone across the room I watched the phone smash and split in half I ran to my phone it was destroyed my memories of taehyung I went to a phone repair shop they fixed my phone I checked to see if everything was on there it was so I put my phone in the bag and took it home I looked through every photo of tae he was so beautiful I wanted to be in his arms I kissed a photo of him I turned of my phone and went to my bedroom I saw taehyungs big t shirt I picked it up it smelt like him it smells so good I put it on it's so comfortable I find a little box I opened it I saw the most beautiful diamond ring I put it on I remembered it was taehyungs wedding ring I put it back in the box and put it in a special place so no one can find it anywhere only I know I hop into bed and turned on the tv I put on squid game I watched a thew episodes I got a bit hungry so I went downstairs and looked in the freezer I didn't want anything in there so I looked in the cupboard I found some ramen I cook the ramen I take it upstairs and ate it whilst watching mor of the series I finished it I went into the bathroom and ran my self a bath I could not stop thinking about taehyung I got out and started to get dressed I brushed my teeth put my night clothes on and went to bed

I love this part lol did you like it lol

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