Chapter 34.

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Juliana's POV

I was woken up in the middle of the night by JJ's harsh voice speaking to someone over the phone. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't so decided to scroll through my socials for a bit.

Mistake. Big mistake.

I saw hundreds of notifications from friends and family saying it'll be okay and I shouldn't worry leaving me confused cause I had no idea what was going on. The messages of concern along with the anger in JJ's voice made my heart pick up speed and hammer against my chest.

I decided to check Twitter first cause that's where the news spreads fast and as I guessed my entire time line was full of tweets about me and JJ.

They were calling me all kinds of names. A whore , a slut , a cheat , everything under the sun. I was trending no.1 in the country but I still didn't know what I had done.....

"Jules why you awake...." JJ asked , the harshness in his voice making me jump and drop my phone making him sigh softly and calm down.

"I couldn't sleep.......but what's happening JJ.....why am I getting hate??" I asked him, my voice filled with confusion.

"Trevor went live on Instagram and said some things about you and me , so everyone just took his word for it and ran with it......" JJ said with more softness in his voice than before.

He came and sat down next to me and held my hands as I sighed . Why couldn't my life just be normal for once...... Why does the world always want to mess things up for me......

"What's he said....." I asked JJ as he took out his phone and showed me the video of the rant Trevor had put out.

Trevor made allegations of how JJ and I have been sneaking around his back and hooking up on the low. He said I was a cheater and never respected him. He said of how he caught out JJ and I on a date and how instead of taking his side , I stood up for JJ instead. He went on and on about how I was a bad girlfriend and how me and JJ had no boundaries eventhough we both are in relationships.

"He's such a prick Jules, don't listen to him. I've already got my team on it , they'll have the video down soon." JJ said as the video finished in an attempt to calm me down.

"Why does this always happen JJ, it's like the world never wants me happy..." I said and even though I didn't cry , I felt the sadness engulf my body.

It's always been like this. My entire life I've had to face so much pain and sadness just when I think my life would start to be amazing. It happened when my sister left me alone, it happened when I lost most of my University friends and now just when I thought I could have a relationship with the one man I've ever had feelings for , this happened.

I can't help but blame myself. I should have been more sure with Trevor beforehand. I caused all this. I caused all this hate and problems for not only me but also JJ .

Just as I was about to get lost in my own negative thoughts, I felt a pair of familiar arms around me, pulling me close and for a second helping me forget about all the problems.

"Look like I've said none of this is your fault. We'll sort this out I promise. Why don't you get some more sleep and we'll make some breakfast when we wake up....." He said as he held my head in his hands and gave me a peck on the forehead.

"Come on you need sleep too." I said pulling him down with me.

"I have a phone call to make , trust me I'll be back in a few minutes. " He said kissing my cheek and going out to his balcony to call someone.

Oh how much I loved this man. It was like a constant feeling of euphoria when I was around him. I can't wait to call him mine someday. Maybe someday we could be happily married with our own little family too......

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