Sun, Moon, And Star

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Russia stopped swinging and turned to him, "Great ruler? You mean Qing?" Beijing stopped as well, "Yes... I've gotten so used to calling him that all the time, he prefers to be addressed as someone with high standards..."

He stood up with an idea in mind, "Hey! You want to check out this really cool haunted house?" Russia didn't know what the word "haunted" meant, regardless, he agreed. "Awesome, let me show you where it is, follow me." Beijing went ahead but noticed Russia standing still when he turned around. "Aren't you gonna go?"

"Well... my... father told me not to go far from here... so..." His cheeks were red from calling Mongolia his dad. Beijing swished his hands, "It's alright! It will only take a short time, we can come back here when we are done! I promise!" Beijing ran ahead, and Russia on the other hand didn't want to defy Mongolia's order. "Ugh... I'm sure he will not notice I went away for a while."

He followed up behind Beijing.


Mongolia's eye scanned the streets and markets. There was plenty of Chinese kanjis, however, most of them were Manchu scripts. He felt sick deep inside, how dare they tarnish the great Mongolian writing! "There has to be a map around here somewhere... Ah! There!" He spotted a cartographer selling maps and many useful accessories.  

"Thank goodness... Finally, I can get the map and get out of here." He smiled and hurried to the counter. "Excuse me, do you have the whole geography?" The map maker nodded his head and brought him a huge scroll. After exchanging goods Mongolia quickly thanked him and left. "Okay... I can probably discuss this with Russia... or I can do it myself."

 He pulled apart the scrolls and observed the writings and illustrations. While he was busy gazing at the map, he accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry about that-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw who he stumbled across. "*Gasp* I found you! When I heard father mention your name, I knew you had to be here!" The red country on the ground got up, Mongolia ignored him and continued walking. 

"Wait! I'm here to talk!" The red one chased after Mongolia who scoffed, "Too bad, I'm not looking for a chat nor do I have the time, China." China has known about Mongolia since he was an adolescent. He mostly read about him in his history books, and his dad occasionally utters his name. "Please! Stop!" China grabbed his sleeve and Mongolia slapped his hand away. 

"What do you want from me?!" China managed to make him stop just to shout at him. "I need your help!" He said with his hands clasped, Mongolia laughed, "Wouldn't be the first time I heard that. If you'll excuse me, I have something important in my hands than to deal with your nonsense."

China got in front of him, blocking his way, "Stubborn boy aren't you?" China groaned in annoyance, "Can you at least hear out what I have to say?" Mongolia sighed and crossed his arms with his foot tapping, "Fine, but make it quick."

China pulled a list from his pocket, "So I have gathered survey results from all around the Asian Kingdom, and more than half of the people agreed to overthrow the great ruler, Qing!" The population of the Manchu ethnic was decreasing rapidly and the Chinese blood seemed to grow fast. People have been discussing about throning a new ruler. "And so the only thing I need is your assistance, with you as my right-hand man we'll be able to end Qing's tyranny!" 

"You're right about one thing, Qing is an autocratic dictator. But this little rebellious community of yours isn't gonna last long. I'll do say this though, Qing is not a strategized bastard; he is durable nonetheless. You'll overthrow your own father just so you can take control? That's exactly what I expected your bloodline to do. Whatever plot you have in that head of yours, I'm not gonna be a part of it. I'm done with this kingdom."

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