Lisa In Korea

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Lisa Pov

"hello, dad. I'm accepting you're offer to me now" I speak through my phone I'm in a call with him now telling him that I have accepted his offer

"are you sure?"

"yes, I'm gonna be in there in a week I'll just prepare things up in here" I chuckled

"alright, I'll keep that goodbye sweetie" he ended up the call and I go back to my work again typing in my laptop

I'm kind of nervous of my decision since I'll be living there for long its been a decade I've not visited Korea and now in about a week I'll go, I already talked to bambam he agreed but he insisted that I'll call him whenever we're on work it's his first time actually.

Few hours later

"Grandma, I'm home!" I shouted a bit

"come her in the dining area sweetie let's eat now you're brother is complaining already" I rushed in the dining area hearing my grandma then gave her a kiss on the cheek

"lalisa what took you so long" bambam said with a pissed face

"you'll work I'll wait for you if you took long ill burn you alive?" I said in a serious tone making him stayed silent such an idiot

"so you're decision is final Lisa?"
My grandma spoke sadly

"yes, grandma. But don't worry I'll find a way to visit you in here" I smiled to make her atleast feel relived

"be sure because if not ill gonna choke you" my grandma said jokingly I laugh lowly

"nah, grandma. she will just go in there to find pretty girls" bambam said teasingly I kicked his leg under the table making him closed he's eyes tightly

I smirked.

A week later

"take care of your self okay eat on time, don't stress to much. " my grandma said with a teary eyes

"grandma don't make this hard for me, please. " I gave her a tight hug then a sweet smile

"visit me okay?"

"I will, I promise. "

"bam take good care of grandma don't be stubborn" I added he nods then hugged me "call me on work I don't know what to do" he said I shook my head I walked out of the house then took a glance for the last time then I waved at them "goodbye Iloveyou!" I hoop in inside the car then drove off

Wish me luck in this journey I sighed deeply I'm focusing on the road when my phone rangs I picked it up then check the caller its my mom

"sweetie call me if you're coming okay we will fetch you" my mom said sweetly

"I will mom, end the call now okay.
I'm driving" before she was about to end the she said something that made me blush "I love you sweetie" a smiled flashed on my face how sweet is my mom to me it's been a year I didn't get to see her, just a year it's because she always visit us in Thailand with dad

Half an hour later

It's been an hour of driving, the airport is pretty far from our house I'm getting tired already I'm just waiting for my flight to be announced

"Good afternoon everyone a flight for Korea has come please prepare you're passport for checking before entering the plane." I heard a girl announcing I grab my laguage's and proceed to the security checking

5 minutes had just passed I'm here now sitting in plane I'm really tired so I needed to take a nap I look at the windows seeing staffs guiding people going inside the plane I closed my eyes then I suddenly heard an announcement again.

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