How long

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How long had it been since things ended? Everything was fine, so why wasn't I happy? Everyone else was, but they hadn't had everything they've known ripped away from them, had they? I didn't know, nor did I care. As long as everyone thought things were fine, everything was. They didn't need to know my mind.

No, no, no. This isn't happening, it can't be. Why them, why me? Why couldn't someone else do this, why did it have to be us. It's always us. Every problem, every cry, it was all for us. But what for? What was there to gain from us, our happiness? The ground being painted red wasn't what we had planned, none of this was. It was supposed to be a normal day for once. The world had been against us since day one, just one day is all we asked for. Is that too much? My hands why are they trembling, who's in my arms? The metallic smell is far too strong for me, why is there so much red. Everything's a blur, what's going on?

6:30 A.M

Another day has begun.

As I sat up, the world slowly spun in a blurry sight. Grimacing as the throbbing in my head began, no amount of medicine could rid me of this pain. Why am I even awake, it's not like I have anywhere to be. My work ended long ago, or was it recently... My clock flickered dimly, the numbers indicating morning.

Thump, thump, thump

Staring at the doorway it stared back at me, it looked like him. Why? I have no clue. What? I have no idea. We just stared at each other in complete silence, it wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable. As soon as my eyes fluttered shut to blink, it was gone. This was a frequent reoccurrence; I've been beginning to think I'm hallucinating. When I looked back at the clock my face scrunched, it was just 6:30... The clock read 8:00.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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