Morgan let out a squeal and hugged her father "Thankyouthankyouthankyou"

Alexis smiled at them, and with the whole affair finished, said to her daughter in a serious manner, "Remember all we talked about, nothing of getting caught for stupid things we know you'll do, we don't feel like being dragged to school everyday to deal with it, just be smart about it. Do get sorted into Slytherin, you can just threaten the hat, I know I did" she said and her father laughed at her mother's statement. "If anyone bothers you, just be the Gaunt you are and kick their asses. And last but no least?" She asked, waiting for her daughter to finish for her.

"Do not be seen with muggleborns"

She knew her parents weren't as hateful towards not purebloods, mudbloods as all their social circle called them. They didn't really care about it to be honest, but they did care about power, which is why it was important to maintain the best of relationships with the rest of the sacred Twenty-Eight families. Of course all those families worshiped them either way. Well not worship exactly, they all kinda hated each other in secret, but they also recognized the importance of those relationships, and her family was one of the most important ones.

"Ok so everyone ready" her father grabbed his daughter and wife's hands and apparated them all to the platform.

Once there, they crossed to platform 9¾ and ran their eyes over the whole scenery.

Morgan's parents looked cold and calculated, all regal as they should. From their dark but elegant clothes to their perfect hair and perfect stance.
So did their daughter, she was wearing a black skirt with a dark satin blouse. If she loved something about her family was the obligation of dressing up.

Everyone there recognized them, the important families, the not so much, and the muggles, even if they didn't know them, they realized they were something, given that they were getting all kinds of looks.

The girl saw how the Blacks approached and she smiled "Reg! I missed you" she said hugging the boy.

"Missed you too, Mor" replied the boy smiling and giving her a chocolate frog while their parents talked so they wouldn't see it "I bought you something, know you love them" And oh she did, anything sweet really.

"A pleasure as always, Orion, Walburga" Nodded Alexis acknowledging them, "Where is Sirius?" She asked after looking at the kids and giving a tiny smile to Reggie in the process.

"Already on the train, he got mad because we made him brush his hair," said Walburga laughing a bit.

Morgan thought it looked fake. Well she thought everyone did.

She tried to contain herself, she was after all close to jumping in excitement and couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts. Her parents thought the headmaster was a moron, they wanted her to go to Bauxbatons, it was a long discussion, but they ended up settling for Hogwarts, because there she would get to know the people who actually mattered, make connections. Plus it would look bad if the head of the wizengamot himself didn't trust their own school to teach her daughter.

Her mother realized that her daughter was close to combusting with impatience and said goodbye to the Blacks.

"Good luck at Hogwarts, I'll be with you next year" Said Reggie kinda sad that he didn't get to go to school yet.

Morgan looked at her parents "Yes I know, I'll be good, or as good as I can, ace all my classes, or at least give it a shot, and write to you telling you everything, well I'll just write if I'm bored" she smiled and hugged them.

Her parents laughed and told her that they loved her.
It was weird, she'd come to know, get this much affection from parents like hers.

Finally she said her goodbyes and got on the train.


Morgan was looking for a compartment to sit in, and a very exhausted Mulciber was following her with her trunk and his, she had found him the second she got on, a smile and a fake struggle with her things had been more than enough for him to offer to help her. She had nice clothes on, and her father wasn't there to levitate her things, so she did her best finding another solution.

"All the lads are here" said the boy stopping in front of a compartment which she saw had Nott, Rosier, Malfoy, Lestrange and Avery in it.

He got in and they all looked at her.
She knew all of them since forever, seeing as all of their parents were constantly with each other, the kids were together at every social event, got together for tea when their parents did, and growing up those were her best friends.

She really loved them, but she also needed girl time just with Ophelia, and so she wasn't about to spend hours in a closed space with six boys. Really educated, elegant, cute boys, but the point still standed.

"Hey, Gaunt, haven't seen you in a while," greeted her Rosier with a smirk.

"Hello, gentlemen, everything good?" She asked while standing against the compartment's door.

They all started talking about their summers. When as much as three minutes had passed, she considered it was a good time to excuse herself and get the hell out of there.

"I'll see you all later, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to go to do some stuff before we arrive"


They all said goodbye and she grabbed her trunk getting into an empty compartment hoping that her best friend would find her. She had a lot to tell her.

She pulled her wand from her sleeve and decided that since she was already on the train, she could officially do her first spell.

It wasn't technically her first. She had been doing magic for years when her parents allowed her to use their wands or one that was laying around the house.

She had begged them to teach her a couple of spells when she was five to make the boys want to play with her, but they told her that the spell for controlling people would sent her ass to Azkaban, instead they taught her a jinx to use on them, it just made them dance for hours, but still since that day they did whatever she wanted.

But it was indeed her first spell with her own wand. Which felt really important for some reason.

When she was about to cast something, she saw someone sticking their head in the compartment. Morgan turned to tell that person to fuck off, but stopped when she saw who it was.

Dark hair, gray eyes, a smirk that always came with trouble, and a leather jacket that the boy's parents had tried to get rid of several times. She hadn't seen him in a couple of months and was dreading the fact that she'd have to endure seeing the git every day.

But now that the shock was over, she thought that "fuck off" was actually really apropiate.

She opened her mouth to say it, but he spoke first. "Gaunt, with a foul mood as ever" said Sirius Black looking at her frown, "But beautiful nonetheless, don't get me wrong"

"I'm actually a very happy person, but you being around means me trying not to commit murder, hence the bad mood, I'm sure you understand" with that she flipped him off and decided that the first spell her wand would do was going to be shutting the compartment's door on the boy's face.

And oh she did.

A shame he got his fingers out in time. She would've gotten a souvenir out of the whole situation if he didn't.

He hated her, that much was obvious.

He had been her boyfriend for two whole days when they were kids playing. He wasn't over her. Probably the reason why.

She shook her head and looked out the window. She was finally there.

They got on the boats, and the ceremony started.
When they called her everyone looked intrigued, nothing new there.

There isn't much to say, the selection was fast, she was a Slytherin through and through.

2k words.

And that's the prologue, hope you enjoyed it.
In the next one we'll go straight to the time-line of the story, I just wanted to show a bit of little Morgan.

Vote and comment if you enjoyed♡

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