47 telling them

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It was the next morning, and Kendall was on his way to Aria's after buying her some breakfast knowing she was probably in the bed.

He made it to her apartment using the key that Aria gave him to get in closing the door behind him. "Ari babe" Kendall yelled getting no response.

Kendall set the food on the kitchen table before going to check the bathroom to see if she was in there and then going to check her bedroom seeing his girlfriend was still sound asleep.

Kendall leaned down to her and kissed her on the cheek seeing her wake up.

Ari noticed him as soon as she woke up. "Hey" Ari said to him. "Hey" Kendall said back and then kissed her on the lips feeling her kiss him back.

Kendall pulled away from the kiss seeing her sit up on the bed. "What are you doing here" Aria asked him. "Brought you breakfast" Kendall told her.

"That's sweet" she said getting off the bed heading to the kitchen sitting at the kitchen table.

Kendall followed her giving her, her food before sitting down across from her. "Any nausea" Kendall asked her.

"No, not lately" Ari said before taking a bite of her food. Kendall nodded and she continued to eat her breakfast. "Any idea when we will know the gender" Kendall asked her curious.

"Maybe around 16 weeks or 10 hard to say" she told him, and he nodded. "How did Jo take it" she asked, referring to Kendall telling Jo he and Aria were having a baby.

"Pretty well" Kendall said.  "What about James" Kendall asked her.

"He took it well even though I think it hurt him more than he led on" she admitted. "Well, you were his girlfriend who could blame him" Kendall said, and she nodded.

"You ready to tell everyone else" Kendall asked her, "More than ever" she admitted, and Kendall smiled at her while she ate her food.


After breakfast and having a bit of time to themselves it was currently 2:00pm and Ari and Kendall decided to head to the lobby to tell everyone else the news.

They saw them hanging out talking amongst themselves when Ari and Kendall walked over to them.

"Oh, hey you two" Camille said being the first to notice them. "We were wondering when you show up" Carlos said and then Logan noticed their expression. "Everything okay" he asked.

"We actually have something to tell you guys" Kendall said and James must have realized what they were talking about judging by his facial expression.

"You haven't told them yet" James asked. "No not yet" Aria told him. "Tell us what" Camille asked. 

"James if you want" Kendall started to say but James interrupted him. "No, it's fine I'm fine okay it's okay I promise" he said.

"You sure" Aria asked him not believing him.  "Yeah positive" he told her. "Okay what's going on" Logan asked. "I'm pregnant" Aria finally said. "Wait you and Kendall" Camille asked.

"We're having a baby" Kendall clarified for her. "That's great" Camille said getting up to give Aria a hug while she hugged her back smiling.

She pulled away from the hug a few minutes later. "Wait James did you know" Carlos asked noticing he has been quiet.

"Yeah, Ari told me last night" James said. "What about Jo" Logan asked.

"I told her last night when Ari told James" Kendall said. "How did she take it" Carlos asked. "She took it pretty well and she wants me and Ari happy" Kendall told him.

"Okay then we should celebrate lunch on me" Camille said.

James gave a fake smile thinking no one would notice but Ari did. "Sounds good" he said, and they all agreed and then left for lunch.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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