Holy Two

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Lauren walks - one step, two steps. She continues the repeating rhythm for a while, her eyes busy monitoring her legs as one moves in front of the other, until she has taken two firm steps more than two times.

Her mind goes over the same thing - one step, two steps. That is all that exists in her head, not three steps or four - two. She can't take one either. How ridiculous will that be?

Things certainly exist in pairs in Lauren's world. She has two eyes, two ears, two legs, two thumbs. And, if she one day wakes up with three feet, the entire universe will be out of order.

Earliest this morning, Lauren thought something was up. The bird outside her window always sings twice around dawn, but this time she waited a really long time before the second stanza came.

Which meant that she had to hurry. She can't hear the bird more than two times one morning - that would be absurd.

Through the heavy rain Lauren rushes to her door, twisting the key around before locking the door again. She exhales, quickly twisting the lock open for the second time and then sliding through the entrance.

Safely inside she looks around her apartment. Things are tidy, normal. Not an object seems to be out of place and Lauren breathes out in relief.

She is always scared that maybe she's missed doing things in pairs. Such a mistake can terminate in a whole line of terrible incidents that she won't even realize before it's too late and they have already started to happen.

A loud knock to the door appears and Lauren turns around, waiting. As expected, another knock sounds next and she smiles knowingly.

"Camz?" Lauren asks excitedly, knowing from the knocking ritual that the smaller girl is standing on the other side - the simple knowledge causing her pulse to quicken.

"Who else?" Camila counters playfully. "Nobody else is stupid enough to walk outside in this kind of weather." She screams through the heavy rainfall and the door.

Lauren clucks lightly, her hand clutching the knob and letting her girlfriend in.

"Only you." She remarks endeared as she makes room for the brunette, eyes fixated on the petite girl.

"Only for you." Camila corrects, tilting her head to the side and compressing soaked hair between her small hands, drops of rain falling down on Lauren's doormat.

Lauren blushes. Camila usually has that affect on her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to help Dinah move into her new apartment this evening?" Lauren recalls their last conversation.

Camila shrugs, "Niall came over so she threw me out before I even got to the door. Actually," the girl pauses, thinking back to the short visit and shaking her head, "she did meet me in the stairwell." Camila laughs at the memory of Dinah and her impatience to cancel their hang-out.

"I called her twice on Wednesday, she sounds happy. They're well together." Lauren comments honestly and leans against the wall while Camila rids herself of her jacket.

"They are. I didn't think so in start, but they really balance each other out quite nicely." Camila agrees, looking at her girlfriend's posture.

Dinah's not the only one who's been happy lately. Today, Lauren seems happy too. It's not that she isn't always, but some days just happen to be worse for the older girl.

"Aren't you going to get out of your clothes? Not that I'm complaining that you're already wet, but I don't want you to get sick." Camila adds with a smug grin, eyeing her girlfriend from head to toe, Lauren cheeks firing up instantly and Camila loves the sight.

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