"Great!" Toadpaw eagerly chased after the old gray she-cat, his tail high over his spine. As he passed Silverpaw, he shot her a reassuring smile.

"Looks like we'll have to plan some moves to stop that," Minnowstripe teased Mistpaw, who nodded excitedly in return. The tortoiseshell turned her attention to the new arrivals, flicking her tail towards Silverpaw. "Is she ready to fight?"

Honeywhisker snorted. "As if, but let's get started anyways."

"Right then..." Minnowstripe rolled her shoulders, as if shrugging away the tom's brisk tone, and retrieved two stones. She placed them in the center of the clearing, spaced just a few tail-lengths away from each other before she joined Honeywhisker back at the bordering holly. "Both of you, stand at one of the stones. Begin a mock battle when I tell you to."

Obediently, Silverpaw padded forward and selected the stone furthest from Honeywhisker. Mistpaw stood directly across from her, her claws flexing eagerly while her eyes flickered back and forth between her mentor and Silverpaw.

"Begin in three..."

Silverpaw dropped to a crouch, her eyes narrowed to slits as she studied her friend—now a faux foe.


Mistpaw's lips curled back into a mix between a snarl and a grin. Her tail began to lash.

"...One. Begin!"

A sliver of panic weaseled into the corners of Silverpaw's mind, threatening to cloud her thoughts in the split second of pain-staking stillness. She struggled to push it down. It's only Mistpaw. There will be no bloodshed today.

The moment was gone as the apprentices launched forward at the same time, meeting each other midair. Their paws battered at each other's faces, and in sync, they danced away from the other, their eyes a blaze of energy.

Silverpaw lunged again, carving her paw across Mistpaw's flank. She made diligent care to keep her claws sheathed. Once the blow landed, she skipped backwards, keeping her body twisted out of reach as she slid around to face her friend again.

With a yowl, Mistpaw leaped, her paws outstretched. Silverpaw hesitated, but managed to slide beneath the black she-cat's soaring figure, and as she attempted to twist herself midair, Silverpaw arched her back, bumping her spine against Mistpaw's belly. Her momentum disrupted, Mistpaw tumbled to the ground with a grunt.

Lashing her tail, Silverpaw pounced and sank her paws deep into Mistpaw's fur. She contorted herself to pin the black apprentice, a breathless grin stirring her features as Mistpaw fell limp. She lifted her head, searching for Minnowstripe's approving gaze, but without warning, Mistpaw surged upwards in an explosion of strength.

Silverpaw rolled to the ground with a startled yowl, and before she could find her footing, Mistpaw flipped around and charged. Silverpaw squirmed as she was tackled to the leaf-scattered floor, dust flying around them. Her paws battered at Mistpaw's stomach. She's stronger than I remember, she realized in alarm, pushing with all of her might. Her struggles faltered as she realized she was effectively pinned.

Turning her head away, Silverpaw heaved a reluctant sigh. "You win," she breathed, squeezing her eyes shut against the stinging cloud of dust.

Mistpaw released her grip and backed away, her green eyes shining. "Good fight," she mewed breathlessly.

Silverpaw quickly rose back to her paws, unwilling to remain on the ground for a moment longer, and gave her ruffled fur a few brisk licks to clean away the lingering filth. "Yeah, good fight," she mewed, flicking away a dead leaf alongside her churning thoughts.

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