Prison World Rescue

Start from the beginning

"Well, you're lucky that my Traveler magic is active magic now, then," she answered. "First things first. We need to find your other daughter. Then I'll get you three out of here."

"Good idea. Since when did you become so helpful, though?" he replied.

"Well, you may despised me, but I don't hate or despise you. You never did anything to me. The only things you ever did was when Klaus had the audacity to steal you for a time back then. Plus, no matter what, I'd never put children in danger. There's a reason I never harmed Elena. I may have fooled around with Jeremy for a while, but I didn't actually intend for anything to happen to him. And unlike most species, I wouldn't leave children without a parent. I showed only the bad parts of myself before, because I was a vampire. Then, as a human, you all just didn't want to see the good in me. I'm sorry for what I tried to do to the town, though. I was a demon that didn't care about anything," she answered and informed him.

It was dark outside, as the three of them walked through the prison world Mystic Falls streets, searching for Lizzie. Normally, they'd split up to cover more ground, but not now. Kai and at least two species that were angry were out there. If they split up, they wouldn't be able to really protect themselves against any of them.

After a while of walking, just as they saw a car in the distance that had ended up in a ditch, they were found by the vampire. Since Ric had his crossbow with him though, Kat knew there was one thing to do.

"You do whatever you have to, Alaric. Just trust me that I'll get your daughter out of there," she said. They both knew that she was the only person here that could heal anyone. She was going to let Josie do whatever she wished, though. She wasn't going to ask for her to choose between helping her dad or making sure Lizzie was okay.

"Go," he told the doppelganger, trusting her for once in his life, as he aimed the crossbow at his former student.

Kat rushed the rest of the way to the car. She then went into the ditch carefully, going to the driver's side, as she heard someone, she assumed Josie, behind her. She was right about who it was too, when she heard her.

"Is she okay?" Josie worriedly asked.

"If not, she will be. I'll heal her, so you don't need to worry. Just keep any supernaturals away while I check on her," Kat told her. She would never let anything happen to children if she could help it. Even if they were teenagers now.

She got to the driver's side door and opened it, though with some difficulty, the door being dented. When she did, she saw that she was alive, but a little on the injured side, so she did as she said she would. She healed her.

"Who are you?"

"Katherine Pierce, but I'm not as the stories say anymore, as I just proved to your dad and Josie. I'm gonna get you guys out of here."

Kat helped her out of the wreck, as she said, "Let's get you out of here."

"Just make sure I don't die. I had some vampire blood without knowing it," Lizzie informed her.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure none of you die," she promised.

After they were back on the road and the girls had a short reunion, as Kat walked back to Ric, the girls following, she magically put the vampiress to sleep.

"Let's go," she stated.

"We have to bring her with us," Ric told her.

"Then we will," Kat said, knowing she couldn't argue with him.

When they got back to the boarding house, Kat got the ascendant and used a spell, but since she could only send two or three at a time, Kat sent the girls back, before the two former students. Then, just when she was about to send Ric home, they were interrupted by Kai.

"You just keep becoming more and more of a nuisance," he commented to the doppelganger.

"Better that than being a monster like you," she replied, before he tossed her across the room.

Ric went over to where she'd landed on some pieces of wood, which was on the floor from an earlier fight, and knelt at her side. That's when he saw her injury. A piece of wood had opened up her leg artery.

"Katherine," Ric said.

She pulled out the part of the piece of wood that had given her a lower stomach wound, but didn't do anything with her leg, knowing she couldn't when they were under attack.

She sat up and told him, "I'll be fine for now. Let's just deal with Kai." She then made a barrier around the two of them so Kai couldn't do more harm. Then she magically brought the ascendant to her. "Let's get out of here." She put a hand on Ric's arm. Then they disappeared from the prison world, ending up in the woods that weren't that far from the school.

Because they were out of the prison world and safe from Kai, but a also because she was starting to lose her strength, she undid the barrier. She then gave him the ascendant.

"Keep this out of sight this time," she told him. Then, concentrating, she magically healed her lower stomach wound, a hand above her wound to do so. She then pulled the wood out and healed her opened artery. Then, when she was healed, she told him, "I'll need somewhere to lay down, but after that, if you want me gone, I'll leave town."

She got up, as he did.

"Thanks," he replied. "We don't have much space, but I think I know someone you can get along with. Just don't give Hope any ideas. She doesn't need a bad influence."

"I'll do what you ask then," she said.

After everything was said and done, Lizzie lived and was tended to, Kai never got what he wanted, and Kat found a home at the school, helping those that needed some extra learning. She also became Hope's roommate which Hope didn't mind. Kat even gave her advice and anything else she needed. And so, everything was well.

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