Enemy Resurfaced

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It was dark, when Kat woke up, tied to a chair. She noticed that she was still injured. She wasn't alone, though. Ric was also hurt, but not badly. Mainly, the enemy was more into harming her. Ric was just collateral damage for being home when she'd been captured by her vamp enemy. She wasn't here right now, but it seemed like she was going to leave them both to die. The place was on fire, but it hadn't reached Ric's side of the abandoned warehouse.

Kat began to feel what strength she had left ebbing away. As she did, her vision began to blur. She knew it was from the fire, but also because of her injuries. She didn't have the strength to even try to free herself. She knew she had to rely on Ric.

Ric looked around to see that there was fire, mostly closing in on where Kat was seated. He knew she was worse off than he was. Mainly, because that vampire had been her enemy. He knew it wouldn't take long for this place to be engulfed in flames, so he began working on getting himself untied. As he did, he kept looking over at her, calling her name.

Once he was untied, he rushed to her side and untied her, before resting a hand on the side of her face.

"Katherine? Katherine," he called.

"Ric...," she susurrated, barely awake.

"Hang on, Katherine. I gotcha," he said, before gently picking her up in his arms. He then left with her. Then, when they were far away enough, he gently layed her down on the ground. He then used his jacket as a pillow for her head. Then he used hers to apply pressure to her lower stomach wound. "Stay with me, Katherine." With a free hand, he felt for a pulse, which he found to be weak. He knew she was still losing a lot of blood.

Half an hour later, he watched doctors rush her down the hallway to tend to her, as he paced.

A few hours later, he was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to wake up, a hand on her right one. He was glad that she was going to be okay. He'd despised her for a while, but had fallen for her. After she'd gotten turned human, Ric had looked out for her, not wanting to lose her.

When she woke up, she saw that she was in the hospital with Ric seated on her bedside.

"Hey," he greeted, once she sat up and looked at him.

She gave a smile.


"Well, you know I'd do anything for you," he replied, before giving a smile.

A few weeks later, she was out of the hospital. She was still healing though, so Ric was the one that killed her vampire enemy, Astrid. So, after everything was said and done, they were at peace until the next threat.

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