Root Beer and Bendy Straws

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WARNING. You are now entering the cliché part of my story. It may be a bit boring. But hey, I'm the one telling the story, so of course I would say that, right?

So where were we? Oh, yes! I was fooling around with a bunch of doofuses while I could have been earning another B on my English test. Some might wonder why I didn't say 'A'. Well, my whole life isn't entirely cliché, sheesh.


We had walked to the nearest coffee shop after calling a tow truck to come pick the car up.

"Coffee or tea?" The blonde, whose name I found out earlier was Brax, asked. While all the boys yelled "COFFEE!" I politely asked for tea. Smirking at me, Brax bowed his head. "Right away, madame."

Rolling my eyes, I waited for him to get back with our orders. He came back, and I was sipping my tea and listening to the boys chatter when I noticed Jake staring silently at me from across the booth's table.

Blinking at him, I blushed and asked curiously, "What?" His mouth turned up in a grin. "I love your blush," he sighed, which made me blush harder.

"Hey, the towing company just called. Guys, lets go and see to it," Brax said, eyeing the other guys in a meaningful way. They all glanced toward Jake and I.

A few moments later, we were the only ones left at the booth. Clearing my throat nervously, I glanced up through my eyelashes at Jake, who was still staring at me intensely.

He glanced away at the counter, then his gaze fell back on me. "I'll be right back," he said suddenly, getting up and going to the counter.

A minute later he came back with an almost over-flowing root beer and two red-and-white striped bendy straws. Offering a draw to me, I took it reluctantly, watching as he unwrapped his and stuck it in the cup, taking a sip.

When I made no movement, he pushed the cup towards me encouragingly. Unwrapping my straw, I put it in the cup and reluctantly drank some. "Thank you," I said quietly, and he smiled at me.

"You have some whipped cream on your face," he stated, smirking. I blushed and attempted to wipe my face with my napkin.

Shaking his head and smiling, he grabbed his own napkin and wiped my face.

I froze, noticing how close we were. He seemed aware of it too, for he had paused and was leaning closer and inhaling deeply.

My gaze darted to his lips that were slowly getting closer.

He seemed impatient when I didn't touch my lips to his, so he pulled me closer and our lips crashed together.

Our mouths moved in sync, and I finally gave in to his demanding tongue, letting him take over my senses and thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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