Chapter 39: Black Magic

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"I'm happy for you, brother." - I told him. If there's a boy who deserves everything going his way is Charlie.

And I don't mean that because he's my brother. He's genuinely one of the good guys. My phone alerts me I just got a text message.

I look up and it's Justin's.

"Justin texted me." - I announced to my family, anxiously.

"Sebastian was put on bed rest for the remainder of his pregnancy. They had a scare because he was spotting, but the doctors managed to keep the baby inside and both of them are fine for now." - I read out the message, feeling a giant sense of relief.

"Thank Goddess! I'm glad they are both well." - My dad said, feeling relieved. As do all of us.

"Tell me about it! My mate was a wreck after Sebastian was rushed to the hospital. At least, now he can relax. Though Seb is finishing the rest of the school year from home, but now it's only a matter of weeks till graduation anyway." - I said, already texting Liam the news, in case he doesn't already know.

In the next day, we found a much more calm Justin at school. Though he's not pleased his mate isn't by his side, at least he's being taken care of and is well.

"Guys, you have no idea how worried I was yesterday. I really thought Seb was miscarrying. It was awful!" - Justin told us with a concerned expression.

"I'm glad he and the baby are both okay." - Liam said with a relieved sigh.

"Me too, Liam. I'm not even mad he's not here with me. If it means he's safe." - Justin said breathing out a huge sigh of relief.

"Good for you, my friend. We need the good news around here." - I spoke, genuinely happy for him.

After some cheerful hugs, we all walk towards the classroom.

"I'm happy to hear Sebastian is doing well, Justin. I hope he can attend the graduation ceremony with his classmates." - Mrs. Stewart told him as soon as she entered.

"Fingers crossed, Mrs. S. Even if we have to get a gurney at the ceremony." - He joked.

"Is your father throwing a birthday party for your brother or they are tired and spent by now?" - Junior asked me at the end of the class.

"He will, of course.  Nothing can keep daddy from celebrating his little prince." - I replied with a hint of jealousy. Junior laughed at me.

"His little prince?" - Liam interjected from his seat in an amused tone.

"For one, he's taller than me. Second, you had your own birthday party. Why shouldn't he have his? It's not like your parents are hard for cash." - Liam snickered, giggling at me.

"Whatever, mate. I'm just saying..." - I trailed off, without having any comeback for that.

"And I'm saying: a party is a party. And we need to celebrate the end of the school year and graduation. I welcome the festivity." - Liam argued in a good mood.

"If he invites us too, I'm totally down." - Miriam commented, grinning.

"Of course, Miriam. We love you. It's your mate who's a dick." - I jabbed with a devious grin, but neither her or Jeff were amused by this. They glare at me.

"Yeah, George. Maybe don't criticize someone's mate right in front of them. You know, have some empathy." - Liam reprimanded me in a light tone.

"I was joking! Man! So sensitive..." - I rolled my eyes. I wasn't really joking, of course.

Hours later, at dinner, Liam was present because daddy invited him. These two are getting along so great, it warms my heart.

What can I say? I'm a daddy's boy!

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