chapter 23

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Hope you guys forgive me for this late update and hopefully you will love this chapy

Enjoy reading❤️

"How are you sir" Abhimaan's driver asked, he just nodded and sat inside the car

"Should I drive to office sir" he asked

"No home" driver smile a little and nodded, Abhiman never went home after returning from any of his trips but today first time it happened.

Abhimaan looked out of the window, he was exited to meet Adhira and Anu, it's only 4 days but he missed them more this time, even he thought it will take a week to finish his work but when he completed everything, he didn't said it to anyone, he wanted to give suprise to his wife and daughter who was waiting for him eagerly. He frowned when he saw familer route but for today it was wrong route

"Drive to Khanna mansion" he said resting his head on seat, he know Anu and Adhira are staying there. Driver took U turn and started driving towards that destination his boss had mentioned. As soon as car stopped Abhiman jumped out of it he was very eager to meet them.

Abhimaan rang door bell and waited outside the door impatiently tapping his foot, as soon as door opened by one of the house helper he dashed inside the house.

"Sir no one is home" same House help said making him frown

"What do you mean by that, isn't it Weeknd" he asked little suprised, here he came to suprise to everyone instead they gave it to him.

"Shradha ma'am and Arjun sir went to orphanage, Sharath sir and Riya ma'am went to Riya ma'am mother's house" she said

"Anu and Adhira what about them"

"She went to her parent's place" House help finished and went from there.

He hurriedly ran towards the car when he was about to enter into it he realised that he don't know her parents house, he kicked the car tire in frustration and pulled his hair, then it clicked his mind, he hurriedly opend his watsapp and scrolled down to Anu's chat as he opened it his frown on forehead disappeared and his lips moved when little smile played on his lips.

Abhimaan started the car opening the location which Anu has sent him weeks back, that day she and Adhira went to her parent's home and asked abhimaan to pick her and sent him location, but he couldn't go that day as he was stuck in a meeting.


Adhira pouted when her brother and sister started running fast

"Swasthi di stop" Adhira shouted but her sister ran more fast, Adhira imitated her speed but she slipped and fell down, she was about to standup when someone lifted in their arms, Adhira looked at the person and blinked her eyes repeatedly

"Dada" Adhira whispered making abhiman smile

"Are you hurt Princess" he asked checking for wounds

"No dada iam finiee fine" Abhiman chuckled at her language

"Where did you learnt this word" he asked shaking his head.

"I mished you dada" Adhira pouted hugging his neck

"I missed you too, my bachcha" Abhiman said kissing her hair

"Where is your mumma" he asked, he wanted to meet her very badly, he want to see her hug her, he missed her so much this time even though it's been only 4 days

"There" Adhira showed a house with her little hand, Abhiman signed as he couldn't understand which one she is pointing towards, there were lot of small houses over there for him they just looked like rooms!

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