Chapter 3

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A few days later

Ava hummed to " v.s.o.p " by k . Michelle

" cause you know this aint no ordinary love , we have so much history & stories about us so come on over " ava sing as she wiped counters getting ready for the club to open

Since she didn't have a car some days she had to come early due to the bus timing

Ava didn't know that rich was also here she assumed it was just her , saint & a few other workers

Rich walked back into his office shaking his head as he smirked she was a pure soul

Ava organized the liquor bottles , filled up the ice container & made sure she had all her necessities for tonight it was Friday so she knew it was going to be busy

Rich took a seat at the bar grabbing her attention

" do you want a drink " Ava asked quietly not making eye contact she continued organizing things she hated making eye contact with rich he was too fine

They hadn't talked since the day he dropped her off but she didn't mind she knew that Monica had a thing for him & she didn't want to step on any toes

" nah youngin I was just checking up on you " saint said as he smirked at her he knew what she was doing Everytime he came around she tried to pretend that she was busy

" oh I'm doing great t-thanks for asking " ava  stuttered as she answered back to him she was Terrified that Monica would catch her talking to rich

" that's good well imma be in my office holla if you need anything "

It was almost 6 the club was about to open ava  looked over everything one more time making sure she had everything she knew tonight was going to be hectic


" patron on rocks " a deep voice said making Ava look up at him

She nodded her head as she begin making his drink

Handing it to him Ava stepped back as she watched him take a sip

" thank you pretty lady " the man spoke before he stood up putting a 10 down on the bar counter

He was tall & brown skin with long locs he was a decent looking guy not better looking than rich but decent

Grabbing the 10 & putting it into the register she walked back to her original spot looking around the club

She spotted Monica in the corner of the v.i.p section with saint & rich she was doing what she usually does ramble all day saint paid her no mind while rich looked annoyed

She felt bad for Monica she could tell that they were only tolerating her they didn't like her

" she needs to do her damn job & stop running her mouth " Melissa said as she walked over to where ava was standing looking towards the direction that ava was looking in

Ava just laughed as she wiped down the bar

" am I taking you home tonight " Melissa asked as she pushed in the stools & wiped down the bar counter as ava cleaned the glasses

" yes please I have gas money " ava volunteered she was saving up for a car but it would take time she still had other bills to pay

" you good girl we friends you don't have to pay me but you can do me a favor & gone head & talk to rich & stop being so shy " Melissa said as she walked behind the bar approaching ava

Melissa saw the stares that ava would give rich when he wasn't looking

" I wasn't staring & plus he's too old & out of my league "

" he is not out of your league you are beautiful "

" yeah .. I know " ava sighed


" I'll see you tomorrow but I go in before you so you might have to catch the bus "

" oh it's okay but thanks for the ride make it home safe please " ava said as she slid out of the car shutting the door

Melissa waited until she was safe inside before she pulled off

Ava sighed as she set her things down on the couch making her way towards the bathroom turning on the shower & stripping out of her work clothes getting into the shower she relaxed as the hot water hit her body

Ava scrolled on Instagram as she waited for her left overs to heat up she had brought Chinese food earlier & decided to save it for after work

She came across rich page but she only looked at a few pictures before exiting off of his page the microwave had beeped letting her know that her food was done heating up

Sitting down on the couch setting her plate of food on her lap she picked up the remote turning on the tv watching Martin as she ate her food

She looked at the time seeing it was 5 am she had to be to work at 8 tonight so she wasn't worried about staying up late

Ava yawned as she picked her plate up standing up taking it to the kitchen she has threw the rest of the left over food away & set the plate in the sink after washing her hands ava made her way towards her room

Sliding into bed she plugged her charger into her phone before turning on the tv she wasn't really paying attention to what played on the tv she just needed noice in the back for her to fall asleep

Soon ava drifted off to sleep

The next day

Ava turned around picking up her phone as she read the text from saint

Boss saint
New uniforms
1:54 pm

She set her phone down as she slipped out of bed going into the bathroom she turned on the shower & waited for the water to get hot

As she waited she brushed her teeth & cleaned her face

Ava got dressed as she looked at the time seeing it was 3 she had 5 hours before she had to be to work & she needed to find a ride because Melissa had to be to work before her & the busses didn't come at that time

Slipping on her beat up converse she grabbed her house key & phone as she exited out of her apartment locking the door she made her way towards the side walk

She decided that she would walk to the store & get a few snacks

" let me get a pack of Russian creams " she heard a familiar voice say as she entered the store she knew it was rich but she decided to keep walking

They weren't friends there was no need for her to speak to him

" wassup youngin " rich said as he noticed her trying to ease her way pass him

Ava gave him a shy wave as she made her way towards the candy isle grabbing a Twix & a large pack of Reese cups She then proceeded to go to the other side of the store grabbing a big brisk lemonade

Making her way towards the counter she saw that rich was no longer there she released the breath that she didn't know she was holding

After paying for her stuff she grabbed her bag exiting the store

Not proofread yet !

Not gone lie I think imma like this book more than the " phat girl need loves too " tbh ..

Let me know what you guys think

Might be up Updating this book tonight if I don't get distracted

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