Chapter 1

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Ava sighed as she looked down at her cracked iPhone 8 seeing it was 10:01 she was currently sitting at the bus stop waiting for it to make it to her stop

She worked at a strip club called " magic " she wasn't a stripper she was to shy & underage to be a stripper instead she was a bartender which was still uncomfortable but it kept the lights on

" girl tonight is gonna be busy it's Friday & the ballers are here " Melissa said as ava made her way behind the bar putting her bag under the counter

Ava knew none of the men would be paying her any attention seeing that she was plus-size , darkskin & under age

Ava was 19 you had to be 21 or up to work there but saint the manager saw that she was in need of a job so he gave her a job as a bartender

" like any of them would want me " ava mumbled as she put on her apron making her way towards the other side of the bar to make a few drinks

" remember you " by wiz khalifa ft the weekend blared through the club as strippers danced & men threw money around the club

" boss man is here " Melissa whispered to ava as they made shots for a regular who was there almost every Friday & Saturday night

Ava looked up noticing saint walking in with a another man he was a lightskin man he was very handsome he looked to be almost 6 ft tall he had a beard with waves he also had on a Cuban chain ava couldn't lie & say he wasn't a good looking man but she knew he was way out of her league

Rich sat down in V.I.P with his main man saint they had opened the club up almost 3 months ago but rich wasn't around to do any of the work seeing that he had business to handle in Tennessee

Looking around rich licked his lips as he watched all the fine women walk around with fat asses & 2 pieces on  , some danced on the poles while others gave lap dances he didn't care what they did as long as they had money coming in

Rich furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed Ava she looked too young to be there

" who the fuck is that " rich leaned over asking saint

" who " saint asked confused as he looked around until his eyes landed on ava

" oh that's a new hire I hired her about a month ago she young man but she needed a job so I let her be a bartender " saint told rich as he looked over at Monica watching her make her way over to them

Rich nodded his head as he leaned back in his seat ava wasn't his type but she did catch his eye she looked too innocent to be working there

2 hours later

" let me get one more shot baby " Larry the regular slurred as he slammed his shot glass down

" I think that's enough for you Larry it's getting late & I want you to make it home safe " ava gave him a small smile she didn't want him to get into a accident on the way home that would eat her up she would blame her self

" you right baby let me get home before it gets too late " Larry said standing up grabbing his coat making his way towards the exit the club was closing in about an hour ava was exhausted she was ready to go home

" you ready girl " Melissa asked ava as She wiped down the bar

" oh yeah I'm ready when you are " Ava told her as She put the cleaning rag in the sink grabbing her bag from under the counter

On her way out ava could feel the man that came in with saint staring at her she shook it off following Melissa out to her car

" I can't wait to get paid " Melissa said as she made her way towards ava's apartment ava stayed in the projects in a one bedroom it wasn't much but it was something

" yeah me too I need a new phone " ava said as she looked at her broken iPhone 8 she had it for a year she didn't feel like she needed to upgrade because it still worked but now it was too cracked she had to get a new one

" see you tomorrow night boo " Melissa said as she pulled into ava's apartment complex she waited until ava was safe inside before she pulled off

Ava sighed as she made her way towards the bedroom dropped her purse on the bed making her way towards her bathroom turning on the shower

As ava showered she got a message

After 30 mins

Ava was Getting out of the shower getting dressed into pajamas & laying in bed turning on " sandlot " it was her favorite movie plugging her phone in she read the message seeing it was from saint

Boss Saint
Staff meeting tomorrow at 10 be there

she sighed as she read the text she thought she was going to able to sleep until it was almost time for her to work the club opened at 7 but with her having no car she had to wake up a hour early to catch the bus there

What could they possibly need a staff meeting for ava thought as she drifted off to sleep she was tired from today

Sorry lmao I'm finishing the other book tomorrow I just wanted to start on this one !

Tell me how you like it so far & I'm finally putting a character in here that y'all wanted !!

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