Found Family and The Beginning

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~A short story to fill up the space for all the months while I was on a break.


Not edited
Word counts- 3908


"So How was it?"

Jisung just stand in front of their bathroom door, looking pale, he said nothing but hand over the pregnancy test kit to Felix who eagerly wait for the answer, he quickly take it from Jisung, peeking to it carefully.

"Oh My Gosh.. OH MY GODDD... Jisung-ah you're pregnant" He screamed, hugging him tightly whilst Hyunjin ran inside the room "He what?" He already heard it from the other room, there's no way anyone in the big apartment wouldn't hear Felix literally screaming like he saw a ghost "He have a baby inside his fucking tummy" Hyunjin gasp joining Felix to have a group hug and a little moment to cry their heart out, ofc because of happiness.

Jisung sob hugging his two best friends "Hyung would be so happy" That's when something hit him, right he still have to tell Minho about it, he is still away to Busan for UFC Asia and that's why Hyun and Felix decided to stay with for the time being.

As much as how happy he is, he's also nervous and concern about how will Minho take the big news, will he not take it very well for the fact that they will have to settle down to start a family of three? Minho is an MMA champion (maybe he will be this year too) he loves his profession and Jisung knows too well that Minho works his butt off and even dropped out of school to pursue on becoming an mma fighter (fighting for clubs and participating in a tournament or games that could cause you to have a serious injuries are highly prohibited for a student who's underage) that is why he chose to give up on studies and persuaded on fighting, luckily his parents are one hella supportive parents Jisung ever met.

Starting with noting but techniques and guts Minho became one of an incredible and admirable fighters.

"You think so?" Felix quickly nod "Of course.. Hey don't worry.. I know my brother, you don't have to worry, literally just don't worry. Okay?" Jisung nod hugging him once again "Okay how the hell are we suppose to like hide before you tell Hyung?"

"Hmm, that's a good question. We don't hide it" Hyunjin replied, quickly taking out his phone to call Jisung's mother "Uh no no never, Hyun you would never" Felix snatched his phone "It a big news Felix, how can we keep it secret?!!!"

"Hyun, Minho is the father of this child, and he have to be the first person to know this..wait now everything adds up"

Hyunjin sigh "what is?"

"How Jisung throws up every fucking morning after Hyung left and how he can't eat meat and fishes anymore" Hyunjin nod agreeing with a soft 'ahhh' coming from his mouth "I thought it was some kind cancer symptoms or something, I thought he was going to die"

"Hyunjin" Jisung clicked his tongue almost throwing his hands on him "Do you want me to die? You very much won't inherit any of my property"

"I'm rich, I don't need them" Hyunjin show his tongue, what a child "I'm richer, my boyfriend is richer"

"Oh yeah? I owned a studio" Jisung scoffed "I do too" Jisung resting his hands on his hips.

"You look like a pregnant mother"
"Cause I am pregnant"
"Seriously when will you stop coming back to me?

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