2. The Meeting

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Note!- I added Character Aesthetics before the first chapter! Check it out!


"What are your thoughts?" Mr. Pierce eyed us intently patiently awaiting a response.

"I think it's a great idea." My grandfather was the first to speak up from across the large conference table. "The perfect project to bring the two most well know companies in the country together." He nodded to himself in approval.

It was my turn to speak. "If I'm understanding this correctly, you want to partner up with Blake Corp. to develop a string of luxury hotels and resorts all around the country?" I was a bit confused at the offer. They were mainly a tech company so expanding into the hospitality industry threw me for a loop.

"Yes." A deep voice spoke up. The sound of it sent chills down my body. All eyes darted to Adrian's direction. He sat back in his chair with his fingers laced together. His brown eyes watched me intently. The aura around him held power and dominance, Adrian was the type of businessman who knew to get exactly what he wanted. A snap of his fingers and he would acquire it. "This project will put Pierce Enterprise and Blake Corp. in the forefront of the country. Every company would want to work with us after the successful launch of these hotel and resorts. It allows them to see that we are capable of expanding into various industries. Laying the foundation is what is important and this will do just that."

"But why us? Why our company?" I challenged and ghost of a smile tugged on the corner of his lips. Blake Corp. was mainly a wholesale trading company and only recently have we been dabbling in the tech world.

"With Blake Corp. having risen higher in the top companies in the country over the past few years and your main link to wholesale trading, your company was perfect for the partnership." He answered smoothly. "All eyes have been on you." I narrowed my eyes slightly as I found amusement in his. His words had a double meaning.

"We can discuss and draw up the details at a later time." Mr. Pierce added. "Are we in agreement?"

My grandfather extended his hand in a gracious manner. "We are." Mr. Pierce shook his hand and they dived into a discussion of small topics all centered around this new project. All through the discussion, Adrian's eyes never left my own and I didn't look away. I wanted him to know that I was not going to back down from him. He stared deeply into them probably looking for the 18-year-old Cassie he knew. She wasn't there.

"One final detail." Mr. Pierce cut through the intense stare off between us. "Cassie." I turned my attention to him. "You and Adrian will head this project together."

I swear my jaw probably touch the ground. "I'm sorry?" I asked as if my ears were deceiving me.

"You and Adrian will work together on this." Mr. Pierce repeated. "This will show everyone that the young heirs of their respected companies are able to take it the next level. It will allow you to garner the respect."

I cut a glance over to Adrian who had a small smirk on his lips. He knew.

"I don-" I started, but my mother cut me off.

"I know she'll make us proud." She said giving me a bright smile. She knew also.

I glanced around the room to meet the same look on their faces. Everyone in this room knew what was going on, I was the only on left in the dark. My mother and grandfather knew if I heard the name 'Pierce' I would run in the other direction like had been for the past few years. Anytime there would bring up Pierce Enterprise, I made sure to tune them out, excuse myself or change the topic. Especially if Adrian was involved, the man that I was trying to avoid for the past five years.

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