[A/N: I'm fucking alive and almost done with this story😩🙌 ]

Suna's pov:

My head felt like it was glued to osamu shoulder I didn't wanna look at him or even move at this point. Why did one minor inconveince make me cry,am I really that senstive?

Sighing deeply i lift up my head,moving my lips towards Osamu's ear.


I tried to talk but my throat wasn't producing any aduio. Osamu just contuined to sit there patiently, I fucking hate myself for acting so dramatic right now.  Dead. That was the only word that leaked out of my mouth.What the heck is wrong with me,why can't I just talk. I pulled away from the hug.leaving a confused osamu. " You don't have to rush to give me an answer,suna."

I look away from him trying to reset my mind.As seconds flew by I didn't want to keep osamu waiting,im feeling rushed even when he told me I can take my time. I groan as I let all the words come out at once. "Wait,wait slow down"

Fucking shit osamu,what cant you comprehend. I stood up, heat crawling up the back of my neck as I got irradiated. He just stayed silent.

I began to cross my arms ranting about my problem for the second time.
I'm a childish idiot who has this random kids toy and I killed my fake son that I supposedly cared about. My heart was pounding after all that, I didnt dare to
turn around. Osamu could just leave right now calling this stupid,i'm a teenager who's crying over a kids toy what do I expect,I need a reality check. I bit the inside of my cheek,growing nervous with every passing second of the silence growing.

I could feel my throat doing that stupid thing again. Was I seriously about to cry, he hasn't even said anything yet. Just thinking about all the negative possibilities that he was gonna-

My thoughts were cut off by a laugh,Osamu's laugh to be exact,
I felt less shaky. My eyes still avoid to look directly into his though,I didn't want to get false hope. Once he stopped he looked at me,I guess he had more questions for me.
" is this why you're always tired?"

I let out a soft Perhaps, followed with me kicking my foot at the ground while my hands are in my pocket.
"Awh,are you embarrassed about it"

Oh is it that obvious. I stopped kicking my foot.

"So Dillard is your son I assume"

Yep,want a cookie-

"To actually consider I wanted to help

Help me how?

My eyes squinting as a look up directly at osamu wanting to know if he was serious as I managed eye contact, my heart began to clenched but not because I felt like randomly crying,it was different this feeling was different.
His eyes were freaking gleaming?
Mabye because of the water fountain but still,they looked so pretty like a Greek gods eyes.

" I wanna help you take care of this pet thing, if it's gonna help get back on track" he began to stand up walking towards me.

" and I'm not joking suna,you might thing this is dumb but if it's affect you then it matters."

Stop being all sappy. I said pushing his arm, this is dumb. What the fuck.

Osamu didn't he say anything all he did was laugh and began to walk away from me. 

Where are you going?

"Park,I want to walk around a little more."

As his steps grew further away from me a smile crept up on my face. Why is osamu,osamu.

Our not so platonic child - Short Osasuna fanfiction- Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant