Suna's pov:

I tap my pencil rapidly on the dining table as i try to focase reading the same question over and over hopefully getting my brian to comprehend the question  for my math test coming up on Tuesday.
It's not like I didn't understand what it was asking me to do. My mind was so out of it

Putting my text book down unable to focause, I lay it closed on the dinning table I push out my chair,getting down from my seat,heading on over to my room groaning in frustration. I opened the room door going straight for my desk checking on my Tamagotchi that I recently got.for the 24th time today.
I promised my self that I wouldn't get distracted by this thing, it's just a little kids toy,
I turned on the toy,awaiting to see my healthy lil girl, in her edgey bedroom but instead I see a tombstone  with a cross on it showing her ghost form floating next to it.

My  lil Margaret 7.0 died. Such a shame I even made sure to feed her every 3.4 hour,how the fvck did she die I whine to myself.
I walk over to my small mirror that was on my desk realizing that I sounded like an annoying little girl,it totally  cringed me out so I just mentally slapped myself switching up eminently

Eh, it's whatever it wasn't my fault anyways.  I shrugged my shoulders while tossing my Tamagotchi over on my bed.

I sighed. Bored out of my mind
Going back to the  dinning table thinking:why don't my kids ever last. I guess she will enjoy heaven with her ghost siblings. Her whole family tree is dead, didn't even make it past teenagers years.
I really wanted her to go to a party and get wasted so she can have her y/n moment, running away with a drunk rich man with gorgeous wavy hair-

I pick up my pencil once I escaped my thoughts, opening up my textbook I forced my self to stay back on track.

Stupid Margaret dying before I could ever make her into something more.




Our not so platonic child - Short Osasuna fanfiction- Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora