Chapter 33

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There was a heavy silence in the air. The tension was palpable.

Somewhere deep inside of her Giggles knew– she knew this day would come, where she'd have to face Flaky. But she never imagined it would happen like this, in a hospital room in front of her closest friends. Or, after this, former friends.

Petunia spoke up first. Her relationship with the hospital was love-hate; sometimes it was clean, and sterile, with gloves and hand sanitizer at every turn. Other times, there was coughing and sneezing and puking and bleeding. She shuddered at the thought. She walked up to Giggles' hospital bed and dropped the flowers gently into her lap. Petunia averted her eyes as she did so, the entire situation felt sticky and uncomfortable. Giggles was grateful for the lack of eye contact.

"I'm glad you're okay," she said softly, before turning to Splendid. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You were right about Cuddles."

Splendid only nodded. He knew this moment wasn't about him. If it were about him, he'd have Flippy dangling by his throat just outside the window. But he restrained himself, stood dutifully by Giggles' bedside. She hugged the flowers to her chest and looked down at them so as to avoid facing the room. Her fingers poked and prodded the hydrangea petals.

"Thank you," Giggles mumbled.

Flippy coughed to interrupt the settling atmosphere. Giggles finally spoke up.

"Listen, Flaky–"

"I know," Flaky interrupted. "I forgive you."

The entire room turned to face her; everyone was shocked, in disbelief. Especially Giggles, whose fingers were now anxiously crushing the hydrangeas.

"I don't forgive you for you," she said, her voice quiet and a bit shaky, but calm and direct nonetheless. "You don't deserve forgiveness. But I forgive you for God, for myself. For my marriage. You hurt me. And I want to let go of that hurt. Just know... after this, I never want to see you again."

Flippy looked down at his feet in shame, embarrassment. Splendid glanced at Giggles, whose gaze was still fixed on the flowers in her arms. Her eyes glossed over.

"I understand," was all she could whisper. She wanted to cry, beg, plead for true forgiveness. But her body was stiff. It wouldn't let her. Splendid reached over to lay a reassuring hand on her head.

All of a sudden, Flaky let out an alarmed gasp. Everyone's eyes turned to her, and then to the door behind her.


Flippy wrapped both his arms around his wife, pulling her to his chest and away from the door. She hugged him back, hiding her face in his shirt. Petunia stepped behind Handy, whose broad and sturdy shoulders hid her well. They all glared at Cuddles, but Splendid was the one to speak up first.

"You must be out of your fucking mind," he snarled, taking a step forward; ready to strangle Cuddles with his own intestines. It wasn't ideal– that Cuddles would just come back to life afterward. But beating the everloving shit out of him would be satisfying nonetheless.

Splendid stopped, feeling a tug on his jumpsuit. He turned to see Giggles' hand gripping him tightly, pulling him closer to her by his fabric. "Don't leave me," she whimpered. He saw that her entire body was shaking, her eyes wide and unmoving. Giggles was petrified. He didn't move.

"What the hell are you doing here," Petunia spoke up. "I'm calling security. Or the sheriff, or someone."

"No need," Cuddles said, smiling sheepishly. His eyes were set on Giggles, whose cheeks were now stained with tears. Still, she didn't move, didn't blink. Splendid sat on the bed beside her, hugging her body close to him. She was still shaking violently. He hugged her tighter.

"I'm turning myself in," he said. "Giving up. It's clear she doesn't love me anymore. I just came to say goodbye to my love one last time. Then I'll be out of her life for good."

There was another pause, the entire room waiting.

"If you think I'll let you off that easy," Splendid spat again. "Just wait. I'll find you, no matter what jail cell they throw you into."

Cuddles shook his head, "Splendid, you really are an idiot. Why are you protecting her, if she's so clearly in love with Flippy?"

At this, Flaky turned her head just enough to see what was going on. She felt Flippy's arms tighten around her shoulders.

"That was a long time ago," Flippy frowned, his fingers digging into Flaky roughly. She winced. "We've been done a long time."

"Is that why you kissed, that night in the facility? How long ago was that?"

"What," Flaky peeled away from Flippy.

"You low-life, lying, desperate son of a bitch," Splendid growled.

"It's the truth," Cuddles raised his hands in defense, a wry grin crawling up his cheeks, "Just ask Petunia. She was there."

All eyes turned to her, including Handy's. She hesitated, chewed her lip. Then, she nodded.

Flaky gasped again, her hand flying over her mouth. Flippy tried to apologize.

"That's not true," Splendid insisted, standing up. "That fucker must've forced himself on her, I swear to God I'll kill h–"

Flippy backed up, Flaky began to hyperventilate.

"Oh she wasn't forced," Cuddles egged. "From what I heard it was quite passionate! It didn't escalate into something more because there were people there, otherwise," he laughed. "I'm sure they would have gone all the way."


His eyes were glowing red, but he contained himself. Splendid turned to Giggles, "Tell me he's lying. Tell me Flippy forced you."

"He– I–" Giggles stammered. All it took was one look into her eyes, into the color of her eyes, for Splendid to know the truth. Cuddles wasn't lying.

"So it's true..." his voice came out in a hushed whisper.

"Oh," Flaky choked out, sobbing. "You're awful. You're both just awful." She shoved past Cuddles, running out of the hospital room with her hands over her face.

"Flaky, wait!" Shouted Flippy, running after her.

The room fell into silence again. Giggles could feel her own heartbeat thumping in her ears.

"I think we should go," Handy said softly. Petunia nodded. Then they were gone.

Splendid was staring at the floor, his mind simultaneously racing and numb. He didn't say anything for a long time.

"Goodbye, my love," Cuddles said with a satisfied grin. He let himself out of the hospital room, but not before offering Giggles a wink. A wink that said, this is only temporary, my dear. I'll be back. He closed the door behind himself.

Then, more silence. The seconds passed like hours.

Finally Splendid blinked. He stepped toward the open window.

"I need some air," with that, he flew off. Giggles was alone. Frozen in place, crying, and alone. 

For Shits and Giggles (complete first draft)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें