The meet & greet

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Brianna's P.O.V.
So me and Zoe were headed back stage we had already shown the security guards our cards. When we got back there it was a pretty long line so while we waited me and Zoe talked me and Zoe talked about how exciting it would be to meet them. So when we're the first in line my stomach started to get butterflies and I got really nervous I was Mashton af and got really happy and hyper and excited. So it was our turn and I kinda froze for a minute then brought myself back into my place. When we got into the little small room I ran and literally jumped on Michael and wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him super tight. I jumped down and had a really big smile that couldn't be taken off my face for a long time I did the same for Ashton and I just kinda hugged Calum and Luke they said " what's your name?" I said "Brianna and this is my best friend Zoe she's kinda frozen" Zoe smacked my arm and they laughed at us not so normally we got the picture and their numbers. When my mom picked me and Zoe up she went and drove Zoe home and on the way we were screaming bc we got their numbers but we wouldn't tell my mom.
*gets home*
When me and my mom got home I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door and locked it I called Mikey and he answered he said "hello" I said "hey this is Brianna just in case you were wondering" he said "I was kinda wondering like who is this but anyways how are you?" I answered with "haha I'm good just got home ready to cuddle my teddy bears and sleep how about you?" He said "he said same pretty much but I don't have teddy bears but I have Calum and Luke to cuddle even tho you would be better to cuddle" I said "aww I wish I was there to were probably never going to see each other again tho so doesn't really matter" he said "no stop saying stuff like that it might actually happen and I wanna see you again your really pretty and nice an sweet" I said "you think I'm pretty and nice and sweet you can't possible think that of someone like me you must be talking about one of the fans you met today not me" he said "yes I think your pretty nice and sweet and why can't I think your pretty and nope talking about you" I said "you can't think someone like me is pretty because I'm ugly" he said "yes I can and no your not your beautiful we barely know each other you know what I'm going to get your mother to let you come with me for the rest of the tour it's only like 3-4 months left of the tour that's not that much left ok I'm coming down there ok tomorrow at like 11:30 in the afternoon yeah" I said "OMFG MICHAEL CLIFFORD IS COMING TO MY HOUSE LMAO I'm just kidding I wouldn't be suprised if you did randomly showed up at my house yes I would but that doesn't matter" he said HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH LMAO and that's ok if I was getting chased by a mob of fans I would knock on your door kiss you and run into. a random room that might end up to be yours" I laughed and said "hey clifford I'm getting sleepy so I'll see you tomorrow ok i love you Prince Charming" he said alright I'll see yah tomorrow I love you too and bye Princess "
*call ended*
When the call ended I ended up putting my phone on the charger and going to sleep because I was really tired.
*next morning*
When I woke up the next morning I got up and remembered that Mikey was coming over so I went to take a quick shower I washed my hair and did my makeup I put my hair in a side ponytail and put on some high-waisted shorts and my vans my "you complete mess" shirt and went downstairs to go get something to eat and watch tv until Mikey got here I was watching sponge bob when the door bell rang I jumped up and practically ran to the door putting on my Chapstick on the way to the door when I got to the door I opened and it revealed Mikey I invited him in and my mom was upstairs I called out for my mom while he stood there in his black SWS shirt and leather jacket with black ripped skinnies and all black converse and red hair. When my mom came down the stairs with her hair done and a white dress I looked at her like in a "awe" face then we walked in the living room and sat down on the couches an started conversation I said "so mom what would you think about me leaving for a while to travel a bit" she said "I wouldn't mind it just depends on who your going with" I said "I would be going with Michael and his bandmates" she said " yeah Michael seems quiet and seems like he would protect you and hey isn't this the guy that's on your wall in your room" I shished her and Michael looked at my mom with "can I go see her room" eyes and my mother answered with a nod I took him up there and made sure it was clean before I let him in I opened the door and showed him my posters on my wall with my face in my hands he took my hands and said "I love your wall now go get your suitcase were packing you up so we can get out of here" I said "thank you Mikey your the best i wanted to get out of the house and do something more and try new stuff but was never able to because my mom is over protective and won't let me do anything so I just stopped asking" he said " well now you have a chance to go on a tour and see concerts and travel all in one and get closer to me and you never know what could happen on this tour princess" I said "well I guess I'll see what'll happen won't I and plus it's not like Ashton has gotten any weirder than he already is and dammit Luke is older than me isn't he?" He said "true and yes Luke is 18 and it's not by that much and plus age doesn't ruin this relationship or whatever you wanna call it so it doesn't matter don't worry" I said well let's start packing.
*finishes packing*
"Ok mom well I'll see you when I get back ok I love you so much" I said she said " I love you too honey be safe" I said ok I will bye" she said "bye and we were on the road. When we left I was so happy and excited to see new things. I didn't have a bunk so sometimes I would sleep in a bunk with Ash and if I didn't sleep in the bunk with Ash then with Mikey. During the tour all the boys had a friend that was a girl in the same hotel room with them even Mikey and Ash I did have my own hotel room but I could hear everything they were talking about I heard Mikey say to the girl that he didn't care about me and that he didn't love me so that night I ended up crying myself to sleep.
*next morning*
When I woke up it was super early like 2:12 so I decided I was going to take my shower get dressed pack my suit case and leave.
Michael's P.O.V
When I woke up I was next to some girl I had met I didn't even get her name. I went to go check on Brianna and when I got there I knocked 3 times on the door she didn't answer I knocked another 3 times still no answer I tried calling her she didn't even pick up her phone I was getting worried about her. I decided I was gonna go tell Ash that she was not in her hotel room and I tried calling her and she still didn't answer we went downstairs and asked the people at the front desk if they seen a girl with brown hair hair dark brown eyes and her hair is long they said she walked out of here with her suitcase at about 2:00 this morning. Me and Ash said "where in the hell could she be going" me and Ash went back upstairs to our rooms and got dressed to go look for Brianna we called Zoe and told her that we lost her best friend and she practically yelled at us through the phone we tried to calm her down but it didn't work so we just hung up we tried calling her again and almost on the last ring she answered "what the hell do you want from me" I said where the fuck are you" she said " why does it fucking matter to you you don't care about me you don't love me" I said "why do you think that I don't care about you or I don't love you" she said because you said it last night when you were talking to that girl" I said "oh" she said "yeah I gotta go bye Michael don't exspect to see me any time soon I'm going back to Cali" I said " no wait you can't go back I need you in my life with me" she said "if you loved me you wouldn't have said that you don't love me and you don't care about me I'm sorry Michael bye have fun with the girl you slept with last night"

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