Part 2

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"We had lost a prince."

A tragedy... that I must admit,

Nothing's been the same ever since

nothing's the matter to change it. 

"We had lost a prince."

truth be told, 

the words in bold.

All we know is the king's wrath,

across humanity.. the truth is that

his children lost and found their path,

to the afterlife.. if there's any of that.

"seven souls are now needed,

for revenge for their future hope.... the ones who they believed"

dust is across the king's garden,

never to be cleaned... 

never to be pardoned.

You wouldn't judge him, just ever since...

"We had lost OUR prince."

You'd continued reading as you walked forward into the cave. Holding a lamp, you took a closer look at every word of the poem. Nothing made sense to you, monsters? Dust? Prince? Seven souls? You'd wished you'd understand every single word that these poems wrote, but before you could question it enough, the moment you close the page's book... it feels as if you've forgotten every detail of what you've just read. you'd opened it back up, you knew you just read the poem but you can't remember it as long as the page keeps itself open. Was this some sort of magical spell? Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of Jacob's scream. You'd turned back, just like Carla, to check on him.

"JACOB!" we both called. 

As we gasped, realizing his situation. He was hanging upside-down, a root had gotten stuck on his foot and now he was laying there, about to fall into a pit that looked very much deep enough to assure a quick death. Jacob called for help, you and Carla meanwhile rushed towards him and tried to push him out of the pit. The root seemed to lose, if he had moved it any other position it might break. Carla and you panicked, trying their best to get their friend out of there alive, yet even with all attempts, it was short enough when the realization hit Jacob. he'd noticed from below that both of you were stepping on the root, slowly cutting it by the pressure of each other's body weights.


But it was too late, the root cut itself open, you and Carla still holding his other leg didn't notice how the plant whipped itself open, letting the three of you... fall.

So this was how you were going to die?

An attempt of yours to prove to everyone the underground existed, dragging your friends with you, letting them all die with you.

You contemplated your life...

 Mom... Dad... 

You will miss them. 

"𝐼 𝒮𝐻𝒜𝐿𝐿 𝒫𝑅𝒪𝒯𝐸𝒞𝒯 𝒴𝒪𝒰!" Papyrus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now