Tricks for Treats (Halloween Party)

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A couple of weeks ago June had told Neal and Mozzie, while they were all eating breakfast together, if they would be coming to her Halloween party on the spookiest night of the years, of course they both had agreed. And now they both needed to convince El to come and bring Peter at June's for the party.

A few days later Neal had mentioned that "-It would be cool to have to dog at the party too" and that's how Satchmo, Bugsy and Canvas ended up taking a part in the party too. Of course, everyone needed to be costumed, dog included.


When Neal came back from his forced walk with Canvas, forced by June because she needed some time to do a "surprise" to surprise probably being food or other decorations, he saw how the house had taken a Halloween vibe. Little pumpkin lanterns outside, orange, purple and yellow light on the inside, a whole buffet on the table, fake spider's webs on the walls and more. June herself was already dressed up in her witch costume, looking pretty as always, with at her feet, Bugsy dressed up as a black cat.

Neal couldn't retain his laugh at the pug in his little costume, wondering if June had seen the costume he chose for himself and Canvas.

-Am I late? Caffrey asked after hearing voice coming from the kitchen

-No, don't worry, some of my friend just showed up early. They helped me with all this. She responded designing the decoration with the wand she had in the hand

-You guys did an amazing work

-Thank you, dear.

Now Neal couldn't hold the happy stim and hand clapping, June was well aware of the fact that he was autistic and not having to mask in front of her was a relive, especially because apart from with Mozzie or when he was alone, he was masking most of the time, and holding a stim is as uncomfortable as holding yourself from scratching a part of your body that really itches. It's really uncomfortable.

-Am gonna' go get change, I'll be back

-I hope so. She chuckled had he ran up the stairs, the spaniel following him closer than is own shadow


-So how do we look? Neal asked after doing a dramatic entrance with his cape. Speaking surprisingly well considering the fakes fangs he wore to fit with his costume. Canvas beside him in her bat wigs, they needed to match so a vampire and a bat were quite a good choice.

-Oh, you and this sweetheart both look ravishing.


Mozzie is the one who arrived first in their little group and is definitely the one who made the more effort for the makeup. He arrived with his head and face completely green with scales of a lighter green over it and a pyramid with an eye in the middle of his forehead. The rest of it was just how he dressed normally, pants, a light orange button up and black glasses.

-And you are... A Lizard ?

-A reptilian

-Of course, oh, yes now I understand for the triangle on your forehead. The classic for a conspirationist, well maybe not classic but still.

-The illuminati sign

-Right, well, you can take a plate and come watch Saw III with us in the living room

-I'd love that


Not so long after Mozzie, the Burkes family were the next on the list to come at the house. Peter and Elizabeth dressed as a couple of zombies or mummies or a mix of both and Satchmo as a skeleton

-Hey, buddy. Caffrey didn't even bothered to welcome the duo and went directly for the dog

-Hey you too Neal

-Hi... Fortunately for him the lights were dim because that way Peter couldn't see the way his cheeks went pink at the reminder of his lack of manners.

-Leave him be Peter, I love your costume Neal, vampire really suits you. She added with a heart-warming smile

-Love yours too, you look pretty cool

Peter, at first looked like he had been forced to come but he would still manage to end up having fun, Neal was certain of it, even if he only came for El.

When they were all in the dining room, it was nonnegotiable, they wanted to taste everything, and that's what they were going to do, that's why buffet have been created haven't they?

-Go on, eat, this isn't a decoration, I can almost see you drooling from the living room. They all busted in a genuine laugh, Mozzie too, who came to join them when he saw Mr. And M. Suit and who surprised Peter almost enough to make him jump.

Everything that was on the table looked either amazing or disgusting but in a good way because they were made to be tricky treats, like the caramel apples with what appeared to be fake worms in them. Even the Halloween deviled eggs who looked like they were coming straight from hell itself still manage to look good.


Both Mozzie and Neal had gone upstairs together in Neal apartment at some point, the party downstairs beginning to be a bit overwhelming for their liking. Peter and Elizabeth probably didn't even notice they were gone, just like if they evaporated in thin air, just like ghost...

-I through perhaps you gentlemen might like something to eat. June said, disposing a plate of snacks on the coffee table, chocolate insect, mummy cupcakes, gummi worms, strawberry dipped in white chocolate looking like ghost and a few pumpkin cake pops.

-Oh, thanks June

-Thanks June

-What you watchin'?

-Harry Potter, the first one

-Can I?

-Yeah, sure, take a seat


-There you were hiding, when did you guys got here, we didn't even saw you leave? El said after closing the door behind her, letting June's friends to themselves where they were dancing and singing and probably drinking and smoking some cigar

-The advantage of being a con man- ex-con. Neal corrected himself when he saw the look that Peter was giving him

-Who wants to go to a haunted house?

Everybody, apart Peter, somehow hesitantly raises their hand looking at each other, having no idea of where a haunted house could be in central NYC

-Ah, come one Peter, this will be fun!

-Come one honey, it's Halloween


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