The Battle part one

Start from the beginning

"Kaleb!" Hope screamed and started running over to were she thought the two were. Kaleb and Finch burst through the debris only to get hit by a bolt of red lightening. The two teens were sent flying and slammed into a car. Seeing a few vampires coming there way Kaleb got back up while finch was knocked out. Try as he might the boy was quickly taken down.

'So this is how it ends.' He thought looking up as a triad werewolf made his way over getting ready to bite him. "MG, Cleo I'm sorry." He said excepting his fate.


A silver shaped crescent beam seemed to come out of no where killing two vampires by slicing them in half. Before Kaleb could ask himself who had saved his ass Hope landed in front of him and began taking out the vampires and werewolves. After neutralizing the last wolf she looked in his direction.

"Kaleb!" She called and rushing over she helped Finch to her feet as Kaleb got to his. "We were managing just fine, thanks!" The wolf said gritting her teeth in pain.

"Sure." Hope said rolling her eyes the three got out of the way just in time avoiding another bolt of lightening.

After a while the three were able to find cover in an alleyway and Hope set finch down telling her to stay put so she could heal. Then making her way to to the edge she peeked around the corner Hope saw two Poeple one was a vampire while the other was a werewolf.

"How many are there?" Kaleb asked Hope in a whisper ripping part of his shirt and bandaging a gash on his leg. "Just two, but I'm pretty sure more are on the way." The Tribrid replied after putting up a spell to prevent the two supernatural beings from hearing them. Then she made her way over too Finch.

"How you holding out?" She asked the girl looking at her injuries. "I'm fine, you should get back to the squad." The werewolf replied that was a lie and both girls knew it. Finch was in bad shape. Blood was dripping from her forehead, her ankle was ethier sprained or broken, she'd dislocated her shoulder, and she had at least a few broken ribs. Not wanting to get into an argument with her Hope shook her head.

"No they're gone." She said the shock was clearly visible on the werewolves face. "They went back to the school." Hope explained knowing that Finch was about to jump to the worst conclusion. "So your saying that from now on its just the three of us?" Kaleb asked the auburn haired girl who nodded.

"So Jo and the rest of them changed their minds huh? well I'm sorry but I'm not willing to work with poeple who have taken advantage of Josie's trust." The werewolf said trying to stand but couldn't Kaleb was about to argue but Hope glared at him before turning to the wolf.

"What is it with you two?" The Tribrid demanded angrily. "For two months Kaleb has proven he's on our side and I thought we were friends but you and Josie want nothing to do with us!"

"My friend, you don't know the first thing about me Hope." Finch started, "after triggering my curse I had no one, I was on my own, and I have struggled for as long as I can remember just to get by. Until Josie came along no one wanted me around, not even for a minute. I might have been stupid when I asked Josie to fight to win the merge but I'de never take advantage of her friendship or trust. Unlike you who manipulated her into absorbing black magic." The werewolf spat.

Then she turned her glare to Kaleb, "and I never would've considered handing Hope over to Malivore. You don't know the effect you kidnapping Hope had on her! The three of us have nothing in common!" She finished pointing at them before ending her rant. It was true while she had a moment of selfishness when asking Josie to try to win the merge and kill her sister, she'd never betray her trust by handing someone Josie cared so deeply about over to the enemy.

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