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(A/N: This Chapter is set in the Young Justice universe, (Most of them will be) Batman hasn't taken in Jason or Tim yet, it's just Dick for now. Enjoy <3)

{Finding Her}

Batman was watching over the city from the tallest and darkest rooftop, as he did almost every night. All that came to a pause when he heard distant wails of pain, he raced off in the direction the sound came from and came across a woman lying in an alleyway, she was visibly pregnant and a small puddle of blood was forming on the concrete ground.

She was in labour and struggling.

Batman had called in an ambulance to their location, but despite him saying he needed it ASAP, it was taking too long, he ended up delivering the child that night.

It was all over with one final scream of agony... and the cry of a newborn baby. Batman tore off his own cloak and wrapped the child up to keep her warm

"It's a girl." He said as to the woman as he handed her daughter over to her.

She cradled her in her arms and gently hushed her, the baby's cries died down to coos.

"She's perfect..." She whispered weakly. "My perfect little Lily... Thank you Batman..." The dark knight gave a nod in response.

The mother shuddered, every part of her body felt weak, Batman looked down, the small puddle of blood had become quite large now and more was still coming, she was losing too much.

"Please... take her..." She spoke, almost beggingly, Batman took the baby from her before her arms fell.

With what little strength she had left, she reached up to her neck and remove the necklace around it, it was a pink quartz in the shape of a rose, she placed it on the baby's makeshift blanket, she looked straight at Batman.

"Make sure she's loved..." Was all she could muster to say, her breathing grew shallow, her gaze drifted to her little girl and she smiled, a small tear dripping down her cheek.

Everything started to go dark, but she didn't feel scared, she felt... content.
All the colour drained from her face, and her eyes closed peacefully, knowing her baby was in good hands.

When the ambulance had finally arrived... it was too late... she was gone.

The first responders took her body and Batman handed the newborn girl over to them, and they drove off, leaving him in the deserted alley, before he disappeared into the night.

The next morning Bruce Wayne just "happened to hear about" the incident, and came to visit the baby in the hospital, he was currently looking at her through the window of the NICU while speaking to the nurse caring for her.

"Is she healthy?" He asked.

"She was born a little too early, but other than that, yes." The nurse replied. "She's a fighter that one."

"Have her family arrived yet?" The nurse shook her head.

"As far a we could tell, she had no other relatives, no father, no grandparents, nothing." Bruce was not expecting that.

"So, what will happen to her?"

"Without any family, I'm afraid she'll go into foster care, poor thing." Her voice betrayed sympathy. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in adopting her Mr. Wayne?" She enquired.

Bruce turned to look at the baby once more, he knew what it was like to grow up without parents, or a family, and he decided right then and there, that he would not let her go through what he did, not even close.

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