44. Lilly the Loathsome Chauvinist

Start from the beginning

Karim's deadly gaze returned towards the pirate crew, who instinctively doubled their scrubbing speed.

"You can count on me, Sahiba."

Matters proceeded swiftly after that. Karim gave a little "motivational speech" and, roughly three seconds later, a fleet of thoroughly terrified pirates was racing off eastwards. Maybe it was just my imagination, but somehow they seemed to be moving faster than the wind that was supposedly pushing the ships along.

Looking after them, I smiled. At the command of their new first mate, Karim, our friendly little fleet of freebooters was destined to achieve great things.

And I did mean at the command of Karim, not under. Judging from the way he stuck to our side, hell would freeze over and Mr Rikkard Ambrose would become philanthropist of the year before the big, bearded bodyguard would let us out of his sight again. And to be honest, after our little adventure with the pirates, I could hardly blame him.

Besides... One corner of my mouth quirked up. It isn't necessary for him to go, is it? All it took was one stern glance from him, and the entire pirate fleet was sailing off, having sworn up and down they would make the lives of the East India Company traders hell on earth.

Well...almost the entire pirate fleet.

Remember the favour I asked from Mr Ambrose earlier?

I guess it's time for now.

Mr Ambrose and I were standing at the railing of the Croesus, looking after the departing fleet. I was only barely paying attention to it, though. I was far more focused on something else, instead. Out of the corner of my eye, I was watching the galley of Mr Ambrose's ship, where I'd sent a certain cabin boy to sort through the supplies for our journey. A journey that would take him a lot farther than back to the pirate camp he had previously lived in.

"Do you think Lord Dalgliesh is going to appreciate our surprise present?" I enquired, looking back at the pirate fleet.

"I am certain he is going to be surprised."

In the distance, the fleet fired off their cannons as a last goodbye, followed by a raucous cheer.

"Yep...probably." I smirked.

Just then, I heard a door creak open behind me. I glanced around just in time to see the familiar face of a scruffy little boy peeking out of the galley.

"Wait here a minute, will you?" Throwing my husband a meaningful look, I placed a hand on his arm. "I'll be back in a minute."

His eyes flickered between me and the boy. Instinctively, he seemed to understand. He took my hand, squeezed it gently, and then spoke three little words.

"Take your time."

I swallowed.

He really does love me, doesn't he?

Fighting to keep the smile off my face, I moved towards Liam. There would be enough time later to show my appreciation to my husband. Right now, I had to give a little boy some happy news.

"Um...hello there, Liam!" Waving, I approached. "I've got good news!"

"What's going on?" Liam demanded. He didn't really look very happy. Rather, for some reason, he was looking at me suspiciously. "Where are the other pirates? Why did you bring me onto this bloody ship? The galley is already full to the brim!"

I sighed, giving him a small smile. "Isn't it obvious?"

It certainly was for me. The moment I'd laid eyes on the little twerp in the midst of a gaggle of bloodthirsty pirates, I knew what I would end up doing. He was so alone. So young. So vulnerable. A year or two ago, I might not even have noticed. Cabin boys being that young was just how things were done in navies all over the world. But now? Now that I was about to become a mother? To have a child of my own?

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