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A beautiful lady with a bump laying on the hospital bed squirming in pain "come on sweetie you can do it " A man said or husband the lady nodded she exhale a breath and pushed hardly a little baby came out "very good honey just a little more" Her husband said after 5 minutes later once again there was a crying sound of a baby "excellent just one more honey you can do it" The lady was crying now and pushed hardly after 2 minutes later once again a baby crying sound but this baby boy look different.

The lady pass out because of exhaustetion the doctor came"congratulations Mr. Jeon they are boy but I have something to said about the youngest "he said Mr. Jeon frowned " What it is Dr. Wang"he said
"Ummm.... The youngest has girls part in his body and can give birth naturally and one more thing because of this he is very sensitive and you need to be careful with him" Dr. Wang said.

Mr. Jeon didn't say anything he was still processing the information but after sometime he smile and said "this is amazing I will take care and protect my little baby's .

Dr. Wang smile and nodded and left after sometime ms. Jeon got her consciousness and Mr. Jeon explain her everything ms. Jeon expression was as same as Mr. Jeon

After sometime a nurse came " So Mr. Jeon what will be their names"the nurse said "the oldest one will be junghyung and the middle one jungguk" Mr. Jeon said"and the youngest one jungkook"ms.jeon said looking at the triplets.

The nurse nodded and write their name and left the room

After some days

Mr. Jeon and ms. Jeon was standing in front of their mansion Mr. Jeon and ms. Jeon look at their triplets

Welcome home junghyung, jungguk, jungkook.







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