Chapter 12: Melange of Horror and Allure

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In the halls of the school, the Halloween management committee is heading towards the mirror chamber, the last venue for the stamp rally. As they walk down the hall, Idia's armor continues to make loud clanking sounds. Kore's heels make a clanking sound as she walks, Teresa walks towards Kore with a slipper, and the light pink-haired girl smile as thank you as she took the slipper and put it on. As the others talked about the idea of Armor and the voice box thing when they made it to the Mirror Chamber. They see Rook introduce the committee to the stamp area of their dorm, their theme is Vampire: Vil, Epel comes out, and Elizabeth shakes her head due to many southern accents replied her head as Vivian covers her mouth as feels her fangs extend due to Her Vampiric hormone. Holly calms her big sister, Vivian from biting Vil by giving her vegan cake pop with no mayo, the poor girl tastes the flavor as happiness.

Jade: (speaks to Idia) "I'm impressed you're still walking around in that heavy armor, Idia."

Azul: "And yet it's making a racket with all that clanking."

Idia: "Oh, uh, you noticed that? I've got rigged with speakers that play sound effects with every step I take. (Smirk) Pretty sweet, huh? Hee hee."

Jade: "That's a level of obsessiveness that few of us lay people could ever hope to reach. I salute your dedication."

Idia: (slight frown) " ... Somehow, that doesn't feel like a compliment."

Kalim (holding Laila's hands as she giggles) "Hey, question. Isn't the Mirror Chamber supposed to be off-limits to everybody but people connected to the school? I seem to remember that coming up at the Spelldrive tournament, it is a super-important place and all."

Crowley: "Indeed it is. Normally, the Mirror Chamber is strictly off-limits to outsiders, regardless of circumstances. But as a special exception, it's open to the public for touring throughout Halloween Week. The Dark Mirror that sits within is one of Night Raven's most prized magical artifacts. Photography inside the venue is still prohibited, of course. We must take SOME measures to safeguard the school authority. On that note, here we are - the Mirror Chamber!"

~ Mirror Chamber ~

Crowley opens the doors to the Mirror Chamber, along with the students walk inside. They soon find themselves in the Mirror Chamber which has the enchanted mirror, and the many coffins floating around in the room. There are also two large signs that have a picture of a camera crossed over, and the sign says 'No Photography.'"

Rook: (greets) "Bonjour, Halloween management committee. Headmage. What lovely costumes you're all wearing. I've no doubt this Halloween Week will be a most exuberant event! Pomefiore is ready to hold their own as well, of course. Feast your eyes on this merveilleux installation!"

Jack: (confused) "What am I supposed to be lookin' at? I don't see any Halloween decorations anywhere."

Kalim: "Did you fall behind schedule?"

Rook: "Heh. Not so. The Mirror Chamber remains as it is for one simple reason: its beauty is already perfect!"

Vil: "Yes. There's no need to put a new spin on the Mirror Chamber. It is iconic in and of itself. But what of us, you ask? Look at our fashion and you shall see. Harmony is key! To find beauty is to dress appropriately for a given location. And to that end, we seek to elevate the Mirror Chamber with our very presence. Yes - Pormefiore's theme is nothing less than 'harmony with legends'!"

Vill and Epel arrive after changing and are dressed in an elegant purple suit decorated with gold patterns with a black sash around his waist and a gold clip. He is wearing a black cape with tall collars with red on the inside of the cape and gold color designs inside as well. They are also wearing black gloves and even wear makeup.

Twisted Wonderland Event: A Twisted Halloween (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now