Chapter 3: The Background Is Perfect

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~ Fairies of Eden: Entrance ~

Ghost took a picture of their phone as Lita, Soleil, Grim and Lilia look at it the flash which two familiars are stunned. Holly is also got curious too. Then Soleil realized that it is a Smartphone the ghosts took pictures of it, Holly was amazed that the Ghosts got smartphone, and the Ghosts did take pictures with Grim, and Soleil about the photo taken on the dorm and decorations.

~ Snap, Snap ~

Lilia & Grim: "Hm?"

Lita & Soleil: "what's that?"

Ghost B: "Ahh, what great composition. You can feel the power of the dragon."

Ghost C: "let's go for a low angle next, and see if we can get all of the Fairies of Eden in the picture."

Grim: "H-hey, that thing you guys are holding in your hands...Don't tell me...Those are smartphones?!"

Soleil: "wow, I never expect Ghosts to got smartphones." (Stunned about it)

Ghost B: "Oh My, have we been found out?"

Ghost A: "Hee hee hee. We were just looking forward to this so much, y'see. We bought ourselves phones before we knew it!"

Soleil: (amazed) "Cool"

Grim: "How did you even set up a phone contract?!"

Ghost A: "Nowadays, Phone contracts are as simple as sorting it all out online."

Ghost B: "when we had the headmaster act as our guarantor and wrote down NRC as Our address, they approved it immediately."

Grim: "Grrr. i don't have a phone! It's not fair! Soleil and Holly got their smartphone!" (pouted)

Soleil: (snicker at Grim) "I got my phone since Madeleine sama is sweet heart, she gave me this phone as my own, Holly got hers too because she's her daughter ." (Shown her smartphone with pink flames design on it)

Grim: (froze to know that Soleil got one too) "No Fair!!! Soleil got her phone, I don't!!!" (Complaining about it)

Holly: (pet him to calm him down) "there, there my little grim."

Ghost A: "Heh heh heh. The difference is that we're independent adults. That said, all the people we'd want to contract are no longer in this world, anyway!"

Lilia: "Nice ghost joke. However, smartphones are wonderful devices with a myriad of different ways to use them."

Ghost B: "Yup! That's why we all started Magical to take full advantage of this Halloween!... Though we only have five followers: these guys and our other ghost friends."

Ghost C: "Still, it's Perfect for leaving some memories, right?"

Ghost A: "Oh, Right! Grimbo, turn this way, would you?"

Grim: "Hm?"

Ghost A: "Hee hee hee. Now we have a commemorative photo together with you."

Grim: "wait, huh?! You're showing up super clearly in that photo?! But I thought that you only showed up in photos taken by the Ghost Camera that Holly has!"

Ghost A: "well, it is Almost Halloween."

Lilia: "Ah, I understand now. So that is why you bought yourself Smartphones for Halloween."

Grim: "you might understand, but I don't. What's this all about?"

Lilia: "it is said that Halloween is the time of year that the world of the living and the world of the dead are most closely aligned. It is the time of year at which a ghost's power is at its peak. I imagine it takes little for one to appear in a photo at such a time. Though as I stated earlier, this is likely a situation exclusive to Night Raven College."

Ghost A: "Hee hee hee. Our Transparent bodies are glistening in the beautiful skin mode!"

Holly: "amazing!" (Excitement)

Lita: "I can't wait to dress up, my costumes." (Giddy)

Ghost B: "Grimbo, your fur is sleek and shiny, too. It's a good Halloween photo, I'd say."

Ghost C: "Hoh hoh hoh. Even the background is truly photogenic."

Ghost A: "And now, we take the photo and..." Happy Halloween from everyone in the share house! #NRCHalloween" Add a comment...and then upload to Magicam!"

Grim: "if you're going to use a photograph of the Majestic Grim, I demand a can of tuna as the modeling fee!"

Soleil: (use her tail to slap on Grim) "don't be a such party pooper, Grimmy!!!"

Ghost B: "oh, don't be such a spoilsport. Let's have as much fun as we can until the day."

Lilia: "The Halloween decorations should be spreading to more than just Fairies of Eden by now. Do look forward to it, My dears."

Ghost A: " Happy Halloween! Hee hee hee!"

~ Chapter ended~

Twisted Wonderland Event: A Twisted Halloween (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now