Chapter 9: Cool AND Eco-Friendly

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~ Mister S' Mystery Shop ~

After Aquamarina is awake from her fainted shenanigan, others left the Alchemy room. Their next destination for the Halloween Management Committee is outside of Mister S's mystery shop. They see Jack-o'-Lanterns, Lanterns, crates, lots of Rugs and patches of clothes on the roof, and other essentials. Soon, they meet Jamil who's been waiting for them. Faiz helps out as the hidden bug sprays just in case, Jamil gets fear of bugs. Laila, Dalia, and Yasmine dress up in little red riding hood in werewolf ways. Kalim hugs Laila with adoration and love towards her so much that Dalia decides that they need to get a room. Yasmine pull Laila away as the sunshine girl wanna stay with Kalim but Yasmine pull away to fix up the makeup and Arabian jewelry and headgear the girls did, Dalia left to fix her boyfriend's costume, he dress up as Huntsman with an Arabian theme in it with gash and wolf appearance. The girls revealed their scare zone is a haunted dark forest with a wolf howling in it. This made Scarabia Dorm wanna see this scare zone the twin sisters and their servants going to be in.

Jamil: (seeing the group arrive) "Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Hello, everyone. Have a look around and take in the Scarabia Halloween Sights."

Everyone looks around the mystery shop. Holly looks around as she feels like this is a Horror scene where something shows up.

Azul: "The Mystery Shop is in Shambles."

Jade: "it reminds me of Fairies of Eden Dorm, in a way like before becomes beautiful."

Jamil: "it's not actually Ruined, for the record. We've just draped patchwork cloth over the shop to cover it."

Kalim: (arrive from changing) "we all worked out the theme as a dorm. It was a blast!"

Jamil: "Are you changed? You didn't forget any costume components, did you?"

Kalim: "Nope! I'm all set, Scarabia's concept for this year is..."

Kalim arrives dressed in what seems like dark red, black, white, and gold color Arabian attire, but he's also wearing black gloves that look kind of sharp. Along with an Arabian necklace and headgear that is made of red silk, and a feather. He also has wolf-like ears on his head.

Kalim: (grins) "Werewolves"

Janet and Jack: (surprised to see Kalim has wolf ears) "No Kiddin'?"

Jack: (smiles) "Those are the monsters that wolf-beastmen are said to turn into when they get possessed by the power of the full moon. Back home, they'd tell kids not to stay up too late or they'd turn into werewolves. It's pretty cool seeing you guys put a Scalding Sands spin on Northern folklore."

Janet: (smiles) "I love to remember that I scared Ai when I told her that story she ran to her bed and sleeps." (Remember the prank she did but got scolded by Rose with a smack of her scepter on her head)

Ai: (embarrassed) "I hate that when you told me about it. I ran for my life and hide in my bed."

Kalim: (grin) "Heh heh. It's nice hearing that straight from the wolfman's mouth! (Pose as a wolf) RAWR! (Confidence) How's my Roar? Pretty Impressive, right?"

Janet: (cover her mouth as she finds it cute) "Ummmm.....I got no words?" (Look at Jack who saw her saying just be honest look)

Jack: (not sure how to answer about it) "Uhhh...That's a tough one..."

Azul: "There's something heartwarming about how kid-friendly it is."

Aquamarina: "to be honest, I find it heartwarming." (Smile at it)

Lita: (giggles) "that roar is too cute."

Jade: "Agreed. It's like something you'd hear in a petting zoo."

Twisted Wonderland Event: A Twisted Halloween (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now