𝐕𝐈. unforgivable

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─── chapter six.

NOVA WAS GREETED, quite bright and early may she add distastefully, by the ruckus of none other than the weasley twins and lee jordan

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NOVA WAS GREETED, quite bright and early may she add distastefully, by the ruckus of none other than the weasley twins and lee jordan. they were awfully loud on a monday morning, so nova dressed and quickly went down the steps of the sixth year girl's dormitory, leaving behind katie bell, angelina johnson, and alicia spinnet, all who seemed to sleep like rocks.

she didn't even bother to answer the trio's chimes of good 'morning, supernova!', instead exiting through the portrait of the fat lady and making her way down to the great hall to get her timetable and get the day over with. people seemed to shy away from her as soon as they saw flaming red hair that didn't belong to the weasleys, averting their gazes from her face in case she was in a foul mood.

the prefect badge pinned to her robes seemed to gleam extra bright, and made nova's cheeks look fuller and glowing. oh yes, she'd have plenty fun abusing her power — if they chose to appoint her for such a position, hogwarts must've been ready to face the consequences.

once the gryffindor had managed to squeeze past all those annoying hoards of students and pick up the course papers she needed, she took her seat at her house table. with her timetable in one hand and a spoonful of porridge in the other, nova boredly scanned the paper.

nova, who was only good at the physical aspect of magic, wasn't as well-versed in the actual work part of her classes. luckily, she'd managed to scrape a few o.w.l.'s (thank you professors flitwick and mcgonagall for the good marks!) on some of the more difficult subjects, so it overlooked the slight failures in other classes (that mad old bat snape had the audacity to give nova an average, ugh).

due to the utterly insane amount of work sixth year required, students only had around two classes per day and the rest of the remaining day was to be spent on studying. knowing nova, she'd surely put that time to better use sooner rather than later.

the only classes she had to attend were charms and defense against the dark arts (thank merlin history of magic was on wednesday, nova would go mad if she had to hear professor binns' voice first thing on a monday morning).

herbology and potions with the hufflepuffs on tuesday, history of magic and astrology on wednesday, transfiguration and arithmancy on thursday, and care of magical creatures with the slytherins on friday. not a bad schedule, nova mentally let out a relieved sigh.

in truth, the redhead was particularly nervous about the gryffindor's lesson with mad-eye moody, who certainly gave off those crazy vibes everybody said he did. not to mention the fact that he was a real auror, someone who had been on the field — seen it all. nova suppressed a shiver.

this was still a school, and he was a teacher. there was nothing he could do within the walls of hogwarts that could bring any harm to her.

these thoughts, however, were nowhere near the truth.

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