𝐈. matchsticks on a hill

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─── chapter one.


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QUIDDITCH WAS THE AETOS FAMILY'S LIFE. elliot aetos and his wife, clementine had been on the quidditch team at hogwarts (for their respective house), and their two daughters nova and claire had too taken after them in that aspect.

they were all crazy about the game. elliot had not helped fuel their enthusiasm, always instructing them in the way of quidditch, hoping one of the two sisters might end up in his own house, hufflepuff.

nova took more after her mother, who'd been a gryffindor and an expert keeper back in her year. of course, nova had tried for the position of chaser since there was no way she'd be willing the fight the oliver wood, captain of the quidditch team (and the love of first year nova's life) for that honor. however, a very small — er — roadblock, had stopped her from ever continuing that dream after her third year (and second year on the team).

claire was more like her father in the aspect of hogwarts houses. she was kind (although annoying at times) and very loyal — therefore the hat that nova had wanted to rip off her head in her first year had declared the youngest aetos a hufflepuff.

nova and claire were sisters appearance-wise, but as soon as one or the other opened their mouth, their personality couldn't be quite different. elliot and clementine had no idea where nova's temper had come from (though clementine suspected it was from elliot's great uncle florence) or no idea how to pacify it.

that was why, the two parents tried their hardest to keep nova from ever being angry while she was at home.

now, back to quidditch and this family's love for it. the aetos loved quidditch so much that they were one of the first families to buy tickets to the quidditch world cup. it had been a great occurrence that britain was hosting this year's world cup, and while the aetos usually couldn't travel much, this year they'd definitely attend.

nova and her family would be meeting up with fellow redheads, the weasleys (joined by harry potter and hermione granger) and amos diggory (plus his son, cedric, who nova was not very fond of) and spending the majority of the time there.

of course, like most of the wizarding world, nova knew harry potter, the boy who lived, blah, blah, blah. whether he was a savior or not, nova didn't feel like regarding him as such. he was just a boy with a scar plastered to his forehead as a reminder of what was taken from him, and a prophecy he was far too young to shoulder.

but harry potter wasn't what nova was focusing on for this trip (she'd leave that to her little sister, who was obviously crushing on the rather oblivious boy). nova dreaded seeing the weasleys, simply because two specific identical redheads had considered her a part of their family ever since they spotted her own red hair amongst the other first years.

each twin had grabbed a very annoyed and very temperamental eleven-year-old nova by the arms and declared her a 'fellow matchstick' before dragging her into the great hall and stating that all three of them would be placed in gryffindor. this statement, of course, made nova agitated and as such, when the sorting hat was placed atop her head (nobody ever told others this, probably because they were far too nervous to notice, but it smelled rather funky) she automatically denied entrance to gryffindor house.

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