Meanwhile, Katsuki Bakugo was running another errand for the League. Even though they were partners, this kind of errand was, in his opinion, beneath him, but still necessary. It was an annoyance, but... using these thugs was still satisfying. However, towards the end of their job, he could feel eyes watching him. When he was alone, he turned around, and found... him... towering over him, looking down.

Well, I guess this is another of her servants, then

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Well, I guess this is another of her servants, then.

He grinned, "So, what's your name?"
It did not have a mouth to speak, and no facial features in general. Its skin was pale as bone, and it wore a black, immaculately maintained suit. This was something most would call a myth, since the appearance of this entity was derived from an old urban legend. But... this was someone far more important than a mere quirkless boogeyman. This was the second avatar of the Entity. Basically... the voice in Bakugo's head, she was it's older sister. At least as far as he could tell. His annoyance growing, the blond asked, "No name, then. Should I assume you're with her?"

For once, it nodded. Communicating something.

"Good..." He grinned again, eager to command this Entity to work. "Whatever your power is, it better be fucking helpful."

The shadows lengthened as tendrils appeared, ready to extend its own will in this world. And Bakugo was ready to help.

The Blond assembled the small group to meet in a secret location. The Veil didn't want AFO hearing this, and it was imperative to plan around him. After introducing the new arrival, Katsuki started laying out his idea. They agreed it would be the best place... but before they could even start on the specifics, the tall man reached into the shadows with its tendrils and dragged out an eavesdropper.

She was shorter, with blonde hair arranged into messy buns. She could have been confused as related to Katsuki... but he had the benefit of being an only child. However, he did recognized her from her... recent arrival at the League of Villain's base. She was new, just like the others Giran had supplied for them. The true leader of the League was wanting to cultivate Shigaraki into his successor... and wanted him to understand the value of people. So, Himiko Toga was one of the ones provided.

Katsuki didn't want all of the details in regards to their motives told to Shigaraki, because if she did, then it was likely AFO would try to stop them, and loathe as he is to admit, Katsuki still needs the league's connections

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Katsuki didn't want all of the details in regards to their motives told to Shigaraki, because if she did, then it was likely AFO would try to stop them, and loathe as he is to admit, Katsuki still needs the league's connections.

Annoyed, he asked, "Why are you fucking here, psycho?"
"I saw you kill all those other people... they were so beautiful when you made their blood splash all over..." Her eyes basically had hearts in them. "And then I saw you here and heard what you want to do... your goal is so interesting... it's like a paradise! So much blood! Living how you please!"

Katsuki realized then that she could be immensely useful. Since her goals aligned with their own, it would be best to recruit her if possible. "So, you want what our boss wants?"
"Yes!" An immediate, perfect answer. Just what he wanted.

"Then... how about you act as our... agent inside the League? We'll help you get what you want, you help us get what we want..."
"Sounds good!" She agreed immediately.

He laughed for a moment... then thought. Since she had the ability to track them down, he wondered if it was skill or her quirk. "What is your quirk?"

She smiled, baring her teeth and showing the sharp canines, "Transform! Drink blood, become the donor!"

That... was frankly an amazing ability, not on par with his own, of course, but useful enough for him to immediately develop a plan. "I see... you might be what we need..."
She was surprised. "Really?"

The blond nodded, while the other killers remained silent. "Yeah. Our biggest adversary is a fucking student." He pulled up his phone, and searched up a picture. Eventually showing her the photo... while Toga's cat-like eyes studied every detail. "This is him. Izuku Midoriya. He's a quirkless deku who found a fucking device that can overpower anyone. We can't get close. He'll recognize Grimes and Anna." The explosive blond gestured to each of them in turn.

"Okay!" She continued to look over the picture, memorizing it. "He's kinda cute. But you're hotter when covered in blood, so I'll do this as a favor for you!"

He was surprised to hear that, but grinned. You're goddamn right I'm hot. "I don't care what you do to him. Kill him. Incapacitate him, hell, if you steal the device, that would be fucking amazing... but make sure he can't be at the sports festival. That is your objective."

"Okay!!!" She was let go, dropping to the ground, and skipping away.

The huntress, the only one who Katsuki could really understand, asked, "Is that wise? Trusting her?"

Katsuki continued to smile. This is why I'm in charge here, they don't understand how things work. "She's twisted, but naive and fucking honest. She'll do her job. We just have to do ours."

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