I huff, "Of course, my teacher did them." I brag as I take over the mouse.

The next few minutes the room fills with the sounds of my oh's, auh's, gasps, squeals, and awe's.

They are gorgeous.

"We need prints like immediately for us and my parents." I tell him as my eyes fog over.

I could weep at the pictures Benz took of me with Fiat and Junior. He even got a perfect shot of that gummy smile I adore so much. I need that framed.

"You love them?"Fiat asks.

"I really do. They are so perfect."

"I love them too. But there was something more specific I wanted you to see."


Fiat takes back the mouse and clicks on a tab. A side by side picture takes over the screen. On one side is a picture of Fiat and I. On the other side is a picture of Fiat and Mint taken from one of the magazine spreads.

I look to Fiat confused.

"What do you see?" He asks me.

I look back to the screen feeling as if I missed something.

"Both your engagement pictures I suppose. Why are they together that way?"

"Can't you tell?" He asks as he gently rubs my back.

I shrug as my eyes skim each photo for details. Mint looks gorgeous and tiny.

"Art, look at me in each photo. What's the difference?"

"Difference? Of course there are differences but.....

All of a sudden it clicks and my face breaks out in a smile.

"Do you see?" He asks me.

I nod slowly.

I see. It's him, he is the biggest difference in each photo. Even though he is beyond handsome in both he is completely different in each.

He looks so happy in our photo. His eyes beam with happiness and love.
In Mints photo he smiles but I can tell it's forced and doesn't reach his eyes. There is a stiffness in his jaw.

I turn to smile at him.

"So tell me my dearest Artist..Who do I look better with?" He asks with a smirk.

I place my hand gently on his face his smile heats me up and scatters me to cinders.

"Me baby. You look happiest with me."

"Not look. I am happiest with you. So how can I ever look better with anyone else?"

"I never truly believed that. I just know that's what people think."

"I don't care what fools think. This is what I know," He tells me as his gaze turns back to the screen.

"I know that without you it felt that there wasn't a reason to smile. Nothing and no one has the power to make me so insanely happy but you. So please stop worrying about anyone and anything that isn't our family."

My heart flutters at his words. I open my mouth to speak when the sound of Junior wailing bloody murder on the monitor swiftly ends another stolen moment.

I leap up and dart out the door with Fiat right behind me. We meet Mint at the nursery as she pushes the door open and flings herself towards the crib. I flick the light switch on and Mint gasps.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now