The Vanishing

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 When he entered Kateri's empty room early that October morning, Carlian tried to tell himself she was fine. Her bed remained unslept in. Her pillows neatly fluffed as she always did them. Not a spec of dust could be seen. Every so often he looked at their phone in the kitchen, debating to check on her.

 Will was a good kid. Never got into any sort of trouble, nor Jonathan. His mother did not deny Kateri very much, even though she liked Joyce and her kids she was leery herself letting her go. There was a word for that, Carlian supposed. Or a phrase rather, that perhaps they just were not ready to let her fly from the nest as all little birds have to do at one point.

  Hell, when he helped her ride her first bicycle without training wheels it was hard watching her go like with Catori.

  He jumped when the phone rang. Ironic considering his debate, picking it up holding it to his ear. "Hello? Delsoa residence..."

  "Carlian, hello. Did uh, did Will happen to drop Kateri off by any chance?"

 "Funny, I was just thinking about asking you if Kateri was still at your place."

"Not funny per se, and I haven't seen them since they left the Wheeler's house. Will called and said he'd be right over."

  It was far from the answer he wanted to hear, but Carlian Delsoa would not panic in front of anyone. Like with Tommy H he did what he could to keep his emotions in check. "Shit...really? You don't think they got lost, do you?"

"Will knows his way from Mike's to our house like the back of his hand. If anything, he probably took Kateri to show her his tree house. They spent the night there."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take a peek..."

"And another quick thing, did you hear about Benny?"

"Yeah, they say he committed suicide...poor guy, I never would've thought."

 It was too strange. Of course, some of us are masters of deception when it comes to hiding how we truly feel about everything. His uncle once told him sometimes people just break, when he tried to explain to Carlian about their neighbor's suicide in Wisconsin. Still, it did not add up entirely with Benny. His wife certainly did not believe it.

 Jonathan agreed to pick him up and go over together. There is no awkward silence between them, in spite what took place between them, Steve and Tommy yesterday at the park. Tires crunch over the gravel in the Byer's drive.

 Carlian followed Jonathan behind the house and into the woods behind it, stepping over fallen tree branches. Carlian called, almost chuckling at the 'Castle Byers' sign. Along with 'Home of Will the Wise and all friends welcome'.

  Jonathan looked away, a red hue dancing beneath his nose at Carlian's raised brow. "He came up with that by himself. Not like I helped build it..."

"I never asked you that, now did I?" Carlian grinned, knocking with his knuckles. "Will, Kat: you guys up yet? Gonna be late for school."

   None an answer. Jonathan opened the door revealing a small inner fortress lined with pillows and Christmas lights. Carlian whistled at the effort put into such creation, snickering at Jonathan's side-eyed warning look.

"And...they're not here," Carlian sighed. Licking his bottom lip. "Where the hell could they have gone?"

"It's strange alright...Will always comes home or calls, if his bike has a flat." Jonathan replied with chagrin.

  He almost forgot about school. At this point, he was unsure if he could go or not even though Jonathan dropped him off. His face is chalk white when Barb approaches him, raising a curious brow as he made for his locker.

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