Finnegan, the barely domesticated cryptid

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Finnegan: Things that spike my anxiety: being late, things I said 5 minutes ago, things I said 5 years ago, people touching me, being around a bunch of people, getting yelled at, wondering if people are talking about me, every action I do, and pretty much everything else.


Finnegan: I'm really whatever the opposite of a manic pixie dream girl is. Depressed goblin nightmare man! Thas me!


Finnegan: I love it when people ask me "what are you so anxious about" like… about??? Do you think this is based on reason? rationality? never heard of that.


Finnegan: "just trust your gut" dawg, I have anxiety, my gut is literally always telling me to abort mission.


Finnegan: Going on vacation as an autistic person is hell. No! I do not want to wake up at 10am and spend the whole day in the sun drinking beer with uncle Todd. I don't care if you think it's embarrassing that I refuse to go out to dinner with all 10 of my cousins and drive them home when they get drunk. I will go down to the beach in the middle of the night while fully clothed and chase crabs around in the dark, and I will enjoy it!
Finnegan: Women don't want me. Fiddler crabs fear me.


Finnegan: I am well aware that I've accidentally set myself on fire and it's none of your business. I don't need your pity water either. Let me burn in peace!


Finnegan: People without under eye bags make me nervous. What aren't you tired about??


Finnegan: I will admit, I am not immune to pretty guys.
Finnegan: … or their fire blasts.


Finnegan's brain: you're a horrible, worthless, garbage person, and your life is going nowhere but hell.
Finnegan: I don't know what you want me to do about that at 11 p.m. my dude.


Finnegan: Buying clothes that aren't black is hard.


Finnegan: I hate it when kids scream in public. It should be me screaming. ME.


Finnegan: I can hold a wet bar of soap better than a conversation.


Finnegan: being alive is very…. Not easy.


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