"To be honest, I don't know myself. I just reacted and that was the first thing that I did, I mean what else was I suppose to do?" I set the book down on the bed and continued, "Besides, I don't think I would have been able to take you on in an actual fight. You would overpower me, that's for sure." Just by me saying that, a memory emerged in my thoughts. Memories of Isaac, teaching me how to fight, just a few days before. I tried to push those memories in the back of my mind, because if I don't, then I will surely be in a state of silence. 

Why am I like this? I try not to let these things get to me, but I overthink and over analyze into things like this. This has been an ongoing issue that I have learned about myself since I was probably fifteen. At first, it was certain conversations that would replay in my mind, but now, it's grown to be certain events as well. My thoughts were paused as I felt the man's hand on my shoulder as he questioned. "Are you alright?"

I turned my head to look at the man, as he noticed my concerned expression. I tried to hide my face by looking down to the floor, but the man grabbed me by my shoulder and brought me in so that he could give me a hug. To be honest, this was not  what I was expecting from someone like him. "I'm sorry." he said. All of a sudden, the thoughts that I had moments ago, seemed to have faded. Sorry? What does he mean? The man continued, "I didn't mean to bring that up, I didn't know it would have upset you." The thumping of his heart, was pounding right next to my ear as he was hugging me. He reminds me of Isaac in a way, that seems very protective of me for some reason. I gently push the man's chest to stop him from hugging me as I commented, "I'm sorry, don't you think it's weird that you're comforting me like this and yet I don't know your name." He laughed with a smile that caused my heart to race by looking at him. "My name is Ardeth, Ms. Cambell." I felt my face starting to flush with heat, that what came next, was not in character of me. "What does that mean?"

Did I really just asked, what does that mean? God, he must think I'm such an idiot. That was probably the most American thing I could have asked. It wasn't until I looked to see his expression that he started blushing. Oh no, I must have really embarrassed him with that question. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. Just forget that I said anything."

"No, no. I just never had anyone ask me that question before. To be honest, it's kinda embarrassing to tell you." 

"Embarrassing? How so?" I asked. He turned his head away from me and said, under his breath,

"..... it means blooming meadow...."

His face turned bright red after his comment.

"Well that's not too bad, what's so bad about a meadow?"

He then commented after saying,

"... it's a girl's name..."

After hearing that, my body reacted in a way, that only Isaac, Bernard and David has only seen, I started laughing. "Pfft!" I couldn't contain myself as I bursted out laughing. Of course Ardeths' face turned the brightest red I had ever seen on anyone. I immediately stopped and said "I'm sorry! I tried not to laugh, I swear!" He gave a small chuckle to me and said, "It's alright, I guess my parents really wanted a girl."

We both started laughing together until we heard more music roaring out in the village. I looked at Ardeth and the light that illuminated from the small lamp made him look somewhat mysterious and charming. I broke the silence and asked, "So what's this Ramadan?" Ardeth looked at me when I had asked that question. He stood up, gave me his hand, and with a smile on his face said, "Come, I'll show you." As I grabbed his hand, Ardeth and I walked out of the tent as he explained the tradition of Ramadan.

"The people of Egypt would pray and refrain from eating or drinking during the day, until the sun sets, then everyone is allowed to indulge themselves with food, drinks and even music. It is a time for self reflection and strengthening their relationship with god. Which is why you see children playing, music roaring and everyone enjoying themselves."

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