Prologue (English)

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Present day (2 days left for wedding)

Hridayamardam (Karan's house)

The bungalow was decorated beautifully with bright lightings; the wedding was to take place after 2 days. So it was time for some party.

The whole Malhotra Family was gathered, all the relatives close, and distant, were excited for the wedding, it was wedding of the family's hero 'Pune', who was loved by everyone. They were having a gala time, teasing each other and most importantly the 'Dulha/Groom'. He was just smiling at all those teasing done to him, unlike other times when he was ready with a comeback. All thought of it to be the wedding jitters.

The Malhotra family was seated on a round table for 5, Karan, on his right, his Mom, his cousin Rahul, his Dad, and then his Dadi coming on his left.

"Excuse me, everybody" his cousin Rahul, stood up, clinking the glass with a fork, to get everybody's attention.

He started with his toast for the groom.

"If Pune city's brand ambassador is to be elected, then without any competition and with maximum votes, Karan Malhotra, will be elected, right?😉" he says teasing Karan for his "Pune" boastings. They whole family also supports with ' yes', 'absolutely'. While our Karan just gives a smile.

His cousin continues "and under such situation, Mr. opted to marry a girl, that to from where?...Mumbai!! (The relatives again hoot for him)...what should we call this yaa. . . this can be said only one thing, that is (the family members look towards Rahul, the cousin) Love😍 (everyone nods looking towards Karan, who looks down)... and and and. . .We all know that, even though she is from Mumbai, you will do her complete training and transform her into a compete Punekar😛 (he teases him further, with the family members laughing at Karan) after all it's our Pune's values.😉 (at this, even Karan laughs with everyone)

"That's correct" his Dadi says proudly.

" you say something" Rahul, insists his Dadi to raise the toast for the 'groom'.

"Me?...what will I...?..." she tries to refuses, while everyone else is encouraging her, and other cousins are cheering for her ' Dadi! Dadi! Dadi!'

"But I won't be able to say all this." She says keeping down the glass of juice in her hand, the cousins still cheering for her.

"That's not have to say something" Karan's Dad says his Mom to go on.

Dadi sighs and looks towards her beloved grandson, who gives her a smile and nods his head asking her to say something.

"okay (she says nodding towards Karan with a smile, then she stands up from her chair). . .truly speaking, I have that little Karan, playing in the cradle, in my memory right now.😊 you have grown up so much? (she says looking towards Karan and then laughs lightly) and now you are going to bring me my granddaughter-in-law...she will take care of you very well, you see...and I am a confident that, you will also keep her with all the love and care. (Karan gives a small smile to her). Both talk with each other, be frank, don't be shy, be each other's...what do you kids say?, BFF (best friend forever) become each other's best friends. Just like, how me and your grandfather were friends😶 (she smiles remembering her late husband), just the same.😊. . . And you know?, in earlier days of marriage I would never call 'him' by his name, but later on... 'Aye Shekhar!!!'😂 (she calls out loudly as if calling her husband, everybody laughed) I used to call him without any fear (she also giggles). He had become my best friend then 😄 (she says smiling at her memory, everyone nodded at her words), stay together till all your hairs go white, okay?...after that? Dye the hairs like me...who's there to object? 😉 (she says laughing and everyone joins her) but live a very, very happy life. (Karan nods teary eyed) (She ends her toast, as she gets emotional and tears well up in her eyes and she sits down.)

"oi Kaira didn't came for today's party?" , one of his uncle's asks about Kaira, and continues "we all really liked her, she is a very sweet girl, very polite nature, and most importantly, she has the Mumbai's spontaneity in her no , I am not saying that girls in Pune are bad,😛 it's nothing like that, but Karu (Karan) you did took this great decision, that you chose a Mumbai girl, they don't have watches tied to their wrists, they have it tied to their minds (everyone giggles) that child will do all the work, bang on out, and she'll make you also do it on time.😉..God bless you, and anyways we Punekars have taken birth for welfare of the people (he jokes and Karan's father cheers) for upliftment of people.😂 (everyone laughs).

One of the cousins says to Karan's Mom "aunty, you are groom's mother, you have to say something."

"Oh yes...say say." Dadi cheers for his Mom.

"Yes...who knows after marriage if you daughter in law will let you say anything or no! 😛" One of Karan's aunts tease his Mom and everyone laughs.

"not at all, my DIL is very loving, Karan has selected the best girl for himself. (she says looking at Karan, Karan gives a small smile and his Mom stands up to say her toast). . . "when the nurse had brought the little Karan, bundled up in that blue rug, I have memories since that Moment (she laughs lightly) my day starts with Karan, it ends also with Karan (Karan becomes teary eyed) all the time, 'Karan you ate your food?', 'Karan get up now!', 'Karan have you caught cold?', (Karan gets to emotional and starts looking down, keeps his drink aside) 'Karan sleep now, son', Karan , Karan, Karan 😊(his Dadi also nods listening to his Mom, his Mom giggles) just like a girl's parents are worried about their daughter, a boy's Mom too is worried just the same (Karan's Dad nods his head with a smile), there's always a worry, whom we have spoiled so much, even after he is grown up now, he will listen to someone else's talks, will take care of her, will give her all the attention, it's right....and it should be like this only! (She says looking at Karan, who was emo-shocked looking towards his Mom) I am confident, that you and Kaira will spend a very happy life together😊. (Karan's Dad nods towards her, everyone claps, as she sits down).

Karan wipes away a lone tear from the corner of his eyes, which is seen by one of his aunts.

"Oi why are you crying? you are not leaving this house and going to her house😛" she says and everyone giggles, Karan smiles.

"No actually (he sighs, wiping away the remaining tears) you all said such good things about me (he clears his throat), so I got a bit emotional." He says and smiles.

"you all are such good people, all of you (his Dad looks at him confused), you all love me so much(his Mom and his Dadi smile at him), but still I kept lying to all of you 😢(his Dad frowns at him, everyone get confused and stare at him), I thought, that everything will be done properly, everything will be good, I...I kept waiting, delaying (his Dad leans forward on the table, confused with what he was saying), but I can't lie anymore to you guys.😔 (his Dadi gives him a worried look). He stands up from his chair, looks towards his Dadi, gives his Mom a sad smile, looks down for a while, then looks ahead at them and says,

"This wedding is not going to take place.😐"

Everyone looks towards each other, but his Dad keeps looking at him with a confused face and he keeps looking down.😔

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